Sunday, / March 30, 2025
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Chabad Partners with First Aid Emergency Services To Open New Division in Sderot


Some 3650 rockets have hit Sderot in the last seven years, making this city one of the most frequented by emergency services.
Partnering with Chabad in Sderot, Hatzalah Israel, one of Israel’s important first aid agencies with a volunteer membership of about 1,000, opened a new branch to serve Sderot residents.
With a 15-member volunteer base, the new Hatzalah Israel division, coordinated under the auspices of Chabad of Sderot, formally opened last Monday.
Deputy Mayor Rabbi Oren Malka, and Chabad representatives to Sderot, Rabbi Moshe Ze’ev and Chananel Pizem, were joined by Chabad representatives from Moscow and the Chairman of Hatzalah Israel, Rabbi Dovid Greenwald at the formal opening.


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