Sunday, / September 8, 2024
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Thirty-five Skokie teens who have been cooped up at home for the last four months had an opportunity to get their creative juices flowing recently. Their local CTeen chapter commissioned Hassidic pop artist, Yitzchok Moully to guide the teens in painting a giant mural on the outside of Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie’s offices.

Individually, or in small groups the masked teens took turns adding elements to the brightly colored street art over two days. The final creation depicts an open book with letters of the Hebrew alphabet dancing among neon streams of light. 

Director of CTeen Skokie, Rabbi Yochanan Posner, says teens have been particularly affected by the lockdown because at this stage, children are more reliant on the support of their peers than their family. The mural is a part of his efforts to bring safe, wholesome and enjoyable opportunities to the teens of his community. “Even if they didn’t interact in-person, this was an opportunity for the kids to get out of the house and collaborate with each other on a project. It brought joy to them and is bringing joy to all who pass by,” he said. 

The mural has garnered attention from drivers and pedestrians on Dempsey Street, just off Interstate 94, with some stopping to take pictures. What was once a blank wall is now a vibrant testimonial to creativity and collaboration. As Rabbi Posner put it, “Every person has a mission and a purpose in this world, no matter the age. Similarly, every inch of a Chabad House, even the bricks, play their part in the mission of uplifting the world around us.”

Comment 1
  • Jacob Fisher

    simply incredible.
    Special investment!
    Caring for teens is very important.
    Continue your important work, and preserve our young generation …


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