DID YOU KNOW that there are currently 340,000 Jewish college students throughout the world? Chabad reaches more than 50,000 students on 238 campuses in North American, Europe, South America, Australia, the Former Soviet Union and in Israel.
Since the 1960s, Chabad campus centers open their doors to every Jewish student regardless of background or observance level. Programming always reflects tolerant, non-judgmental and open discussions, which is the hallmark of Chabad’s inclusiveness. Another unique quality of Chabad’s campus centers is the leadership provided by a dynamic couple who create an atmosphere where students can feel safe and seek guidance on variety of social, education and spiritual issues.
Off campus, Chabad hosts national Shabbat retreats with hundreds of students from dozens of colleges. Leadership training is highly valued by Chabad, and during the summertime hiatus, Chabad hosts a convention of 150 campus representatives to strengthen leadership skills, share outreach strategies and prepare the next year’s programming.