DID YOU KNOW Chabad’s emissaries are located in 2500 communities, one thousand of which have Jewish populations of under 5000?
For over 60 years, thousands of Chabad’s emissaries have been living in and serving communities, often the only Jewish organization available for thousands of miles. Providing Jewish leadership, religious, educational, cultural and spiritual frameworks for a Jewish life is the foundation of Chabad’s work.
Chabad is able to provide leadership for remote communities through dedicated men and women who relocate and raise their own families in distant lands so that members of the Jewish community will not be alone. In addition, rabbinical students participating in Chabad’s community enrichment programs intern in hundreds of locations worldwide – even where there is but one single Jew, without the benefit of an organized Jewish community. Devoted rabbinical students work continuously, moving from location to location in pursuit of providing services for those who would otherwise be alone.
Chabad’s emissaries are professionally trained to assist each community by providing the spiritual guidance and material comfort.