Monday, / March 3, 2025

DID YOU KNOW that the teen years don’t have to be painful and confusing, but rather can be exciting opportunities for exploration?

Chabad focuses on these especially turbulent years–often a confusing time for teenagers, when they are exploring who they are as individuals and where they fit in with family, friends and society. In today’s world, this can often translate into hanging out with the ‘wrong’ crowd, drug use or other problematic behavior.  Chabad recognizes that teens are seeking interesting ways of discovering the world around them, and provides opportunities for positive experiences.

Chabad provides supplemental Jewish high school educational programs, many offering pre-university credit designed to inspire students to become concerned and active citizens, and more committed members of the Jewish community. Real time and on-line classes with exciting educators teach enriching curriculum including Jewish mysticism and Kabbala, what it means to be Jewish in modernity, G-d and creation among other thought provoking subjects.

In addition to formal educational programs, whether teens are interested in socializing or social issues, there is a Chabad forum providing an organized and hip way to get involved:
Teen volunteers learn the value of giving by bonding with a special needs child through Chabad's special needs programs
Social group opportunities for movie nights, or concerts, special engaging guest speakers, field trips to exciting destinations
Monthly girls group focusing on self awareness, social issues, creative crafts, field trips and friendship development
School night homework programs where students can mingle with peers, nosh on yummy food, and still have professional staff on hand for homework assistance.
Bar and Bat Mitzvah clubs which give teens information they won't get in Hebrew school-significant historical and contemporary information in a roundtable setting which will bring a deeper appreciation and understanding of the bar / bat mitzvah rituals.
By donating now you will partner with Chabad to help a teenager find positive outlets to explore who they are and how they can have a special purpose in today's world.
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