DID YOU KNOW that before the 1950s, Chanukah candle lighting ceremonies and other displays of Jewish rituals were only held in the privacy of the home?
More than 50 years ago, the Rebbe envisioned transforming Jewish holidays into opportunities for neighbors and communities to celebrate their common bonds of religion, history and culture. Bringing experiential opportunities to Jews regardless of their level of observance, economic status or location, Chabad ensures that adhering to holiday observance is available to every Jew-in person or via radio, satellite television or the internet.
Last year alone, Chabad’s holiday programs included tens of thousands of participants worldwide; the website had over 1 million visitors searching for ways to connect to the Jewish community during holiday celebrations.
To make sure no Jew is left without hope throughout the year, Chabad maintains centers near hospitals, prisons and old age homes to bring holiday observance, kosher food and ritual objects to those who otherwise would be alone. Chabad publishes and distributes informative brochures in 20 languages explaining holiday significance, rituals and customs.