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Illinois Governor At Chanukah Party in State Offices

Chicago, IL

( Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois attended a Chanukah party on Monday in Downtown Chicago, hosted by Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois. State Senator Ira Silverstein, and State Representative Lou Lang joined the party at the James R. Thompson center, where the offices of the State of Illinois are located.

The Governor spoke of the message of Chanukah, of the triumph of light over darkness. He also thanked Chabad for the Menorah that had been set up in the lobby of the center.

Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz, Director of Lubavitch Chabad pointed out that the menorah is lit incrementally, with one additional candle added each night to the menorah. The lesson in this, explained the rabbi, echoing the message of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, is “that we must consistently work to increase light in the world. One must never be satisfied with yesterday’s achievements.”

“This is especially pertinent to the government,” he said, which should consistently enhance its services “towards the citizens they serve.”

After the lighting of the Menorah, a quartet of students from the Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago sang the popular Chanukah song, Maoz Tzur.

At the conclusion of the event, the Governor met with the Chabad representatives in the state of Illinois.


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