Sunday, / March 9, 2025
In The Media
In Media
Telluride Daily Planet
Roving Rabbis visit Telluride

Members of the Roving Rabbis program returned to Telluride for the second summer in a row. This year, rabbanical students Asher Wilhelm and Smaya Krinsky visited Telluride this week to meet with local Jewish community members and offer Jewish services (the pair left Thursday). Wilhelm and Krinsky are based in Colorado Springs with Chabad Lubavitch of Southern Colorado.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Need Tefilin? There’s an App for That

The app’s creator, a follower of the Chabad Hasidic movement named Shimon — he said he did not want to reveal his last name to avoid a “downpour of emails and suggestions,” – decided on a trip to Israel two years ago that this is what the world needs, he told JTA on Thursday.

Jewish Journal
Bringing Hope and Healing to Puerto Rico

Shortly after the hurricane hit on Sept. 20, Chabad of Puerto Rico Rabbi Mendel Zarchi, the organization’s emissary on the island for two decades, managed to hold Rosh Hashanah services, despite parts of his shul’s roof being ripped off and its sanctuary being flooded.

The One With the Mitzvah Tank

“Hi, are you Jewish?” It’s a question you may have been asked in any number of towns or cities by a smiling bearded man wearing a yarmulke. It’s one of the trademarks of Chabad, the Hasidic movement that dispatches its young men around town to help Jewish strangers perform a mitzvah—Jewish women are offered Shabbat candles, and Jewish men are encouraged to put on tefillin.
Berlin Jewish High School Takes Top Honors in German Capital

A Jewish high school operated by Chabad-Lubavitch in Berlin took top honors in the capital city’s state Regents exams, in which Hebrew was recognized for the first time by the German government as a tested subject.

Jewish News Syndicate
Teens in Germany fire anti-Semitic insults at local rabbi

Chabad-Lubavitch emissary Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gurevitch was on his way to synagogue on Friday when a group of teens spotted his kippah and began shouting anti-Semitic slurs

In Barbados, Chabad Turns To Local Cuisine

Nestled in Worthing, Barbados, is a Chabad House run by Rabbi Eli and Sterna Chaikin since 2017 —the 11th Chabad center in the Caribbean to date.
There aren’t a lot of Jews living in Barbados. There aren’t even a lot of Jews passing through Barbados. In 1929 the last Jew in Barbados left, ending 300 years of the island’s Sephardic Jewish presence. In 1931, a Jewish peddler from Lublin became enchanted with the island and decided to stay, reviving a Jewish presence in Barbados.

Breaking Israel News
Orphaned Son of Tzaddik Marries

While most people would have run the other way from the terrorist’s flying bullets, 31-year-old tzaddik, Yosef Twito, who was in charge of security in the Samaria settlement of Itamar, south of Nablus, raced to the Shabo house to help. He was gunned down by the terrorist inside.
Nahal Twito was only 4-and-a-half years old at the time of the tragedy. The charity organization Colel Chabad immediately took the Twito family under its care and has maintained a close relationship with Yosef’s widow, Rachel, and their orphaned children ever since.

New Jersey Jewish News
Joyful Judaism begins with the stomach

The way Chaim Silberberg sees it, barbecuing is an ancient Jewish practice, dating back to the holy Temple in Jerusalem where Jews brought animals to sacrifice and ate a portion of the remains.

Jerusalem Post
Assisted-Living Center First Of Its Kind In Jerusalem

Debby and Zohar Elnatan had been searching for eight years for an apartment for their son, Rotem.
Rotem, 23, has cerebral palsy, and likes to DJ in his spare time. So when they found out about the new Beis Finger Rehabilitation Center in Jerusalem, it was a perfect fit.
First Hebrew school opens in Twinsburg

After a successful pilot program this year, Twinsburg Chabad will open a Sunday/Hebrew School this coming 2018-19 school year, for grades 1-4.
Both the Twinsburg Chabad congregation and the school meet in the Gary Drive home of Rabbi Mendy Greenberg and his wife. For larger worship or High Holy Days services, the congregation meets in the Twinsburg Community Center.

Breaking Israel News
Hospital Summer Camps Making Miracles

eeping kids healthy and happy during the long summer months can be a challenge. Having a sick child in the hospital over the summer can multiply that challenge manyfold.
Recognizing these obstacles, Colel Chabad, Israel’s longest continuously running charity, organizes summer camps in two of Israel’s hospitals, Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot and Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. Yes, summer camp!

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