Soggy skies did nothing to dampen spirits as the Chabad of the Hamptons on Woods Lane in East Hampton and the family of Rabbi Leibel Baumgarten invited everyone to Chabad House for a free children’s carnival Saturday.
A COUNCILLOR has said that the community will stand up for people of the Jewish faith following two anti-Semitic incidents.
Arsonists started a fire and left racist messages outside the Chabad Student Centre in Cowley Road on Saturday, May 19.
Then, last Wednesday, somebody sparked a chemical scare by tossing what transpired to be talcum powder onto some bins outside the centre and, as in the first incident, leaving an anti-Semitic note.
For the first time in recent memory, a sacred Jewish Torah scroll has been completed and the community will celebrate the occasion with a traditional street parade along Route 9 in the Town of Poughkeepsie.
The celebration marking the completion of the hand-scribed religious writings, will include a gala event at the Hampton Inn at 2361 South Road on June 3 followed by the parade concluding at the new permanent home of the scroll at 63 Vassar Road.
Chabad at the Beaches will celebrate its 15th year of commitment to Jewish life in the Ponte Vedra and Jacksonville Beaches communities with its annual Gala Dinner and Celebration on Sunday, June 3 at 4:30 p.m. at One Ocean Resort and Spa in Atlantic Beach.
For Rabbi Benny Zippel, the upcoming 25th anniversary of his Chabad Lubavitch congregation is more than a celebration — it is a recommitment to sharing Judaism and interfaith friendship in Utah.
It’s quite possible that by the time you finish reading this article, another Chabad House or synagogue will have opened somewhere.
While Judaism’s mainline branches wrestle with ways to retain adherents and other Hasidic groups remain content to keep low profiles – in some cases, shunning the outside world – Chabad continues to grow exponentially, openly embracing any and every Jew.
Amid signs of growing anti-Semitism in Germany, a new Jewish educational center aimed at reaching both Jews and non-Jews is being built in Berlin.
“Much has been said about fighting anti-Semitism in Germany, and this is something tachles, this is something concrete,” Yehuda Teichtal, a rabbi in Berlin’s Jewish community and executive director of Chabad Lubavitch Berlin, said Tuesday announcing the June 10 groundbreaking ceremony for the Jewish center. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is expected to attend the ceremony.
They drink, they eat, they kibitz, they talk Torah—though not necessarily in that order. That’s the night’s business for the men who come to Chabad’s Whiskey, Wings and Wisdom group on Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. at the Chai Center in Ventnor. The group is open to Jewish men of all ages, including locals and summer visitors.
With a fading generation of Holocaust survivors, there is a moral obligation to hear their first hand accounts now more than ever,” said Rabbi Yosef Rivkin, co-director of Chabad of Red Rock, the organization sponsoring the event. “Mrs. Cohn embodies the positive messages of turning tears into action and overcoming darkness. She brings a positive message of hope, strength and triumph.”
A special graduation ceremony was held Friday for Jewish students at Binghamton University. It was for those who observe the holiday of Shavuot, which begins Saturday. “It’s sending a message for the future, that this university is a place where anybody could come, no matter what your religion, no matter what your observance, and they will try as best as possible to accommodate everybody. And this has proven that they did it,” said Chabad of Binghamton Executive Director Rabbi Aaron Slonim.
Terrorism has been a fact of life in what’s now the Jewish state. Perhaps no one knows that better than Rabbi Menachem Kutner, director of the Chabad Terror Victims Project (CTVP), which regularly coordinates all kinds of relief for Israeli terror victims and their families, including hospital, rehabilitation-center and home visits, and arranging bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies for orphaned children.
For Rabbi Mendel Kessler and his wife, Fraydee, Sedona was always on the radar.
Arizona and more specifically, the Verde Valley, may not be necessarily known for its strong Jewish communities but “there are definitely Jews here,” according to Kessler.
And they’re hoping to make an impact.