Sunday, / March 9, 2025
In The Media
In Media
Couples invited to learn about Chabad’s mikvah

Rebbetzin Chanie Kramer is inviting Bellmore and Merrick couples of the Jewish faith to indulge in an evening out this weekend — while learning the truth about mikvah. Chanie and her husband, Rabbi Shimon Kramer, unveiled the Chabad Center for Jewish Life’s mikvah — Mikvah Mei Leah — last summer

Jewish Link of New Jersey
Perseverance Pays Off

This is a story of a man who truly mastered the art of survival. Max Ostro, born in Poland in 1926, was 17 when he, his brother and his parents were rounded up by the Nazis to be sent to the Treblinka death camp. Rabbi Kantor of Chabad of Thailand shared a very close bond with Ostro, whom he called Rav Menachem Mendel. He recounts visiting Ostro’s kever, which was both emotional and uplifting for him.

TAP into Flemington/Rarington
Chabad to Host The Origins of Jewish Life in Hunterdon

On Friday, April 20, Chabad of Hunterdon will host “The Origins of Jewish Life in Hunterdon County,” featuring historian Stephanie Stephens. Stephens will present the stories of the early Jewish settlers up until the modern era of Jewish life in Hunterdon

How Chabad Was Born in Smolensk

The Russian city of Smolensk is located in a region that has historically been contested between Russia and Lithuania, which later became part of Poland. Smolensk became part of Russia following the Russian-Polish wars in the 17th century, but its Lithuanian roots left a clear imprint on the Smolensk Jewish community. It was the birthplace of Chabad Chassidus, much more closely linked to Russia than the other Chassidic sects in the Ukraine, Galicia, and Poland.

Ilford Recorder
Jewish community honour late Rabbi with procession through Gants Hill

The memory of late Gants Hill Rabbi was honoured by an almost 400-strong procession bearing a handwritten Torah scroll. Hundreds from Redbridge’s Jewish community gathered at the home of the late Rabbi Moshe Muller, in The Crescent, and walked to the Chabad Lubavitch Centre, in Eastern Avenue, via Cranbrook on Sunday April 15.

Fox 4 Kansas City
Local Jewish group says blankets donated to Safehome represent comfort and safety

A Kansas City Jewish group donated blankets for people recovering from abusive relationships.
Chana Itkin runs Chabad Young KC, which is a monthly girls get-together to have discussions, learning, and hands-on crafts. And they love giving back to the community. For “Do Good” Sunday this past week, they made blankets for Safehome.

Palm Beach Daily News
Jewish WWII spy’s story to be recounted at Chabad House in Palm Beach

The Chabad House will host a Holocaust Memorial Evening at 7 p.m. April 23 with special guest speaker Marthe Cohn. Her 2002 memoir, Behind Enemy Lines: The True Story of a French Jewish Spy in Nazi Germany, recounts her adventures.

Miami Herald
Swastika drawings found outside dorm rooms of two female UM students

In separate events four days apart last week at two residential colleges on the Coral Gables campus, someone drew Swastikas on a board outside the dorm rooms of two female students. Rabbi Mendy Fellig, who runs Chabad at the University of Miami, called it an unusual event at a school where he’s counseled students and staff for decades.

Tallahasee Democrat
Deeper thinking, deeper living in Tallahassee

“I find that many people, particularly in Tallahassee, are looking to deepen their experience of life. This JLI course invites participants to live more deeply, by deepening their thinking, insight, and awareness of the fundamentals of life and of our universe,” said Rabbi Oirechman.
What Is? explores six of the most intruiging questions that have ever challenged mankind: Is the world real? Is time travel possible? Why does evil exist? Who is G-d? What is consciousness? Are we bound by fate?

Gwinnett Daily Post
Chabad of Gwinnett launches capital campaign for Jewish enrichment center

Local Jews will have a new place to worship in Gwinnett County if a proposed 12,000-square-foot Chabad of Gwinnett enrichment center comes to fruition.

Palm Beach Post
Abacoa’s latest addition in Jupiter heralded by quill and scroll Sunday

The Torah scroll, signifying a tradition dating back three millennia, is scheduled to take a year to complete, about the same time as the $7.5 million Spiegel Family Chabad Jewish Center at 430 University Boulevard.

Richmond News
Chimo and Chabad receive federal funding to boost accessibility

“Canada is at its best and all of society benefits when everyone is included. The Enabling Accessibility Fund is one of the measures that exist to ensure people with disabilities have opportunities to participate on an equal basis,” Duncan said in a press release. “Through this funding and partnerships with organizations like Chimo Community Services and Chabad of Richmond, we are working to build a more inclusive and accessible Canada.”

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