Guests were all smiles as Chabad of East Hampton hosted “A Magical Purim Celebration” at Chabad House Saturday night on Woods Lane.
Rabbi Zalman and Tzipi Levertov, founders of Chabad of Arizona, standing in the center, receive a tribute gift from their children and their children’s spouses at Chabad of Arizona’s dinner and silent auction celebrating the organization’s 40th anniversary on Feb. 26
It was a multimedia Megillah! The Chabad of Bay Ridge used a cartoon reenactment to tell the tale of Purim at its annual bash on March 12.
Around 250 women attended the Chabad House of Greater Hartford’s challah baking event, on March 5.
Kindness of a Chabadnik (and others) are at the heart of the Newfoundland-set ‘Come From Away.’
Park Slope ankle-biters were treated to games, treats, and pony rides courtesy of Chabad of Park Slope and Congregation B’nai Jacob, which hosted a “Fiddler-on-the-Roof”–themed Purim party Sunday at its Ninth Street synagogue.
The approval will allow the Chabad to make several additions, including an apartment for its rabbi and a ritual bath.
Costumed congregation members crowded the Chabad Jewish Center on Sunday to feast and be merry in celebration of the Jewish holiday Purim.
Children watched Purim Puppet Theater led by Rabbi G (aka Shmuly Gutnick) of the Chabad Youth Network during a pre-Purim event Thursday at The Society of the Four Arts Children’s Library hosted by The Chabad House in cooperation with the Friedman CJE’s PJ Library program.
A rare opportunity for northwest Ohio’s Jewish community to participate in the writing of a torah is set for March 26 at Chabad House of Greater Toledo, 2728 King Rd., in Sylvania Township.
“Purim in the Stadium” is Chabad of Hunterdon creative twist to this year’s community celebration of Purim, the holiday commemorating the Jewish people’s salvation in Persia of old.
Friedman went to visit the Rebbe’s grave the Sunday before his confirmation last February, together with the leader of his local Chabad and some of the men he learns regularly with.