‘I’m pleased that we are still able to continue the tradition of hosting a menorah and celebrating the huge role the Jewish community play in the capital’
A menorah lighting event at Strawbery Banke on Sunday, also allowed participants an afternoon of ice skating with a dreidel. For the second year, Rabbi Berel Slavaticki of the University of New Hampshire and the Seacoast Chabad Jewish Center held the event to celebrate Hanukkah. And, yes, there was a smiling, dancing, skating, life-sized dreidel.
A dancing dreidel was spotted Sunday outside a Chanukah pop-up store in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, right next to the Wieners Circle.
Throughout Sunday and Monday, some Michigan State University students got a special delivery for Hanukkah from the Chabad Student Center.
A Manhattan doctor who cared for hundreds of COVID-19 patients during the pandemic will light the Grand Army Plaza menorah on Tuesday.
Law enforcement officials in Kentucky are investigating a possible anti-Semitic assault, after witnesses claim someone grabbed a Jewish man and dragged him with their car at a menorah lighting ceremony.
Dozens of vehicles were in attendance to view illusionist Ilan Smith, a live performance by the Cleveland Ballet Company and a menorah lighting started by Woodmere Mayor Ben Holbert – all of which were broadcast onto a large television screen and radio station for everyone to enjoy without leaving their cars.
It’s a festival commemorating the re-dedication of the second temple in Jerusalem, and this year was a first-of-its-kind celebration for the Coulee Region.
It was the fifth night of the “Festival of Lights” in Yelm City Park, and even with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic threatening holiday celebrations, the festivities — with people either together or apart — went on.
During an unprecedented year, Chabad of Penn State is set to hold a unique Hanukkah celebration.
For Rabbi Mendel Blecher and the wider Jewish community in The Woodlands, hosting the annual Lighting of the Menorah has even more importance this year, one marked by unprecedented challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Events held by the Chabad Jewish Center have made the Chanukah even more special, and on the last night of Chanukah, they will be holding a Menorah lighting at Publix.