“The menorah lighting will be different this year in comparison to previous years, which really attracted crowds, 300 to 400 people, from all over,” said Rabbi Zalman Refson, director of Chabad of Savannah.
Do you need a turkey for Thanksgiving? Chabad of Hackensack is facilitating a Kosher turkey giveaway for families and individuals in need in our area.
Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, who were Chabad emissaries, established their presence in the Chabad Center – Nariman House – in Mumbai shortly after they got married, a building which they had raised money to purchase.
Chabad of Park City’s Rabbi Yudi Steiger is thinking about those who are homebound this Thanksgiving due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This marks the tenth year Market Street has hosted the Grand Chanukah Celebration In its Central Park for the local community. There is no admission fee required to attend.
With COVID-19 raging around the world, Meir and Shawna Waizman and their family have stepped up to generously donate a new Torah to Chabad of North Orlando and Nate’s Shul in Longwood for the protection, health and prosperity of the Orlando Jewish community.
Teens from the Pascack Valley and Saddle River communities got together safely on November 8 to give back to the healthcare workers in our community.
Lexington Rabbi Shlomo Litvin can now add a new accolade to his impressive list; he was a part of the world’s longest Zoom meeting.
Mendy Sternbach will become the first rabbi in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa’s most populous city, as he establishes Chabad’s 11th permanent presence in sub-Saharan Africa.
But this year, no camera at the Kinus Hashluchim could capture the nearly 6,000 participants at once: They were on Zoom from their separate computers and time zones. The video version was a concession to the coronavirus pandemic that has disrupted the globe for nearly a year.
Still making Thanksgiving plans? Handmaker Jewish Services for the Aging, in partnership with Chabad Tucson, is offering glatt kosher Thanksgiving meals.