Dawn Weiler, who has family members that volunteer with Friendship Circle and LifeTown, both run by Chabad Columbus, came up with the idea to do a virtual challah bake so the community could have an opportunity to learn how to make delicious challah, even during the pandemic, according to an email from Chabad.
Two months after the Chabad House at Delaware University was destroyed by arson, a second Chabad House in Delaware has been damaged by an intentionally set fire.
Melbourne’s Chabad Youth is to establish a new campsite at Shoreham which will provide overnight camp stay accommodation for Victorian youth activities.
The traditional menorah lighting ceremony in uptown Waterloo to mark the start of Hanukkah has been cancelled this year. The menorah will still be lit, but there will be no formal lighting ceremony, according to a City of Waterloo spokesperson.
Rabbi Joseph Eisenbach of Chabad Lubavitch of Northwest CT posted on the group’s Facebook page that his sister and brother-in-law, Shternie and Rabbi Dov Gruzman of Chabad Haus-Wien, were not harmed.
We tend to forget in our desperate search to create a “new normal” in this crazy new life that our children are the real champions in all this.
IDF soldiers packed and delivered packs of food to patients sick at home with the coronavirus as part of a partnership between Home Front Command, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Jerusalem-based social services organization Colel Chabad.
“Secrets of the Bible presents famous ancient biblical stories in fresh and modern ways that deal with universal human dilemmas,” explained Rabbi Levi Dubov, the instructor. “The wisdom it shares should not remain a secret.”
Chabad of Eastern Connecticut will offer a new six-session course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute titled “Secrets of the Bible: Iconic Stories, Mystical Meanings, and Their Lessons for Life.”
A historic kumzitz was held around a campfire in the Dubai desert on Tuesday night as Jews living in Dubai, Israeli tourists, and what appeared to be some Emirati locals sat together and sang soulful songs of yearning.
Project Friendship is a program of Chabad of the Bluegrass. It’s working with a homeless shelter to donate socks and winter hats to people who may need them.
Climb construction tractors, get up close and personal with a variety of trucks and sit behind the wheel, at the Touch-A-Truck event on Sunday.