In the 17 years since the Illini Chabad got its start on the University of Illinois campus, it’s grown steadily. It’s also steadily run out of room for its many programs and events, its leaders say.
Paul Packer, chairman of the US Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, announced the move during a visit to the gravesite in Almaty, where Schneerson was buried in 1944.
There are more than 30 Chabad Lubavitch centers in Texas, including a dozen in the Greater Houston area. The newest Chabad center, however, will be the first that will appeal directly to Hebrew-speaking Israelis in Houston.
The religious Jewish world has created some unusual jobs, from shofar makers to etrog pickers to mashgichim – kosher certifiers whose job is literally to watch others cook. But one of the more bizarre surely belongs to Dr. Yeshaya Shafit, who is Russia’s only mohel, or professional circumciser, for adult men.
“It brought tears to my eyes,” Eric Young said. “We’re all going through this and it doesn’t matter if you are white, black, or Chinese. So many people are struggling right now. We have to help them.”
He wrote more than 60 books, but his crowning achievement — he called it his hobby — was his 45-volume translation of a key Jewish text.
Director of Chabad of the Bluegrass, Rabbi Shlomo Litvin, says a letter reading “white power” and “blood of the soil,” a Nazi slogan, was put in people’s mailboxes across Versailles and in the Scott County area.
Learning to read the Torah portion online is never easy, even during a pandemic lockdown with not much else for kids to do.
The followers who do not give up: Rebbetzin Gittel Eidelman returns tomorrow on a flight from Paris to Morocco, to continue the mission she set out on more than sixty years ago, together with her husband, the late Rabbi Shalom Eidelman, who died of the corona disease on Passover.
Chabad of Fairmount and the IBEW Local 98 shared more than just a neighborhood on July 28. The two organizations, separated by just a few blocks on Spring Garden Street, came together to provide more than 125 people with 300 boxes of produce, dried goods and canned goods.
Chabad at Miami University is moving to a new, bigger space this fall. The organization is renovating a former fraternity house near the campus and is hopeful that renovations will be completed before the High Holy Days.
Once a week, on the corner of Armenia Avenue and State Street, you can find hundreds of boxes of fruits and vegetables stacked up on the curb, waiting to be loaded into cars and taken to Floridians in need.