Chabad at Miami University is moving to a new, bigger space this fall. The organization is renovating a former fraternity house near the campus and is hopeful that renovations will be completed before the High Holy Days.
Once a week, on the corner of Armenia Avenue and State Street, you can find hundreds of boxes of fruits and vegetables stacked up on the curb, waiting to be loaded into cars and taken to Floridians in need.
Chabad of Orange County in Goshen continues to find ways to give enjoyment and bring Jewish joy in interesting times.
The subject of Jamaica’s Jewish history has been a fascination of historians, theologists and academics. The Jamaican Jews are said to have laid the foundations for one of the most unique Jewish Community’s in the Diaspora.
Rabbi Tzemach Menachem Mendel Lieberman speaks with ILTV about program providing hospitalized kids with summer camps.
A program started in mid-March by Chabad South County Jewish Center to offer care packages to local families and senior citizens sheltering in place has been so helpful that the effort has expanded to include anyone in need or isolated due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rabbi Mendy Hurwitz and his wife Rebbetzin Chanie Hurwitz celebrated his 37th birthday with their daughters by serving a BBQ to the community who drove through the Chabad of Yonkers/ Greystone Synagogue Yonkers driveway.
Chabad moves closer to breaking ground on new center for Jewish life.
A rabbi who sermonizes in rap? Really?
Apparently, the answer is yes.
“Think good, it will be good.”
Or in other words, stay positive.
That’s the message Chabad of Hackensack is sharing with the thousands of Route 80 drivers on a billboard that will go live this Sunday night, alternating on both sides of the digital sign near River Street in Hackensack.