Eighty years ago, on Adolf-Hitler-straße in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, Nazi flags stood out at every corner.
This week, members of the city’s Jewish community paraded on that same street, singing and dancing as they welcomed their new Torah scroll, which had just been written.
‘The menorah serves as a symbol of Orillia’s dedication to preserve and encourage the right and liberty of all its citizens to worship God freely, openly, and with pride’
On Sunday, Dec. 22, the first night of Hanukkah, Mendy Kivman will be joined by 29 other drivers with a menorah on top of their cars as part of the Chabad House Jewish Community Center’s “Mobile Menorah Car Parade.”
The Tenafly Chabad Academy (TCA) middle school girls enjoyed a delicious breakfast sponsored by two of the middle school families in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev. This was a great way to welcome the new month!
ove latkes? Want to see chocolate gelt drop from the sky?
Join friends and neighbors on the cold winter nights ahead with Chabad of Orange County, headed by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, which is providing an array of festive Hanukkah celebrations for all ages.
The Chabad of Rock Hill added creativity to their Hanukkah celebration by painting wood menorahs.
San Diegans are gearing up for Hanukkah events throughout the county.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote to Moshe, “Your story continues to inspire everyone. It is one of miracle and hope overcoming tragedy and immeasurable loss.”
A Hanukkah menorah was added Friday to the holiday display in the Capitol rotunda in Springfield. It soon will have a sign added to the presentation.
The Chabad of Alabama will host its fifth annual Grand Menorah Lighting at The Summit on Sunday, Dec. 22, at Saks Plaza.
It’s a menorah-lighting ceremony. It’s a parade. It’s two events in one.
Twenty-five teens attended the event, in which CTeen advisors Leia Young and Chaya Flamer, along with Chana Burston led a discussion on how meaningful it is to do good deeds in honor of someone who has passed.