In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Chabad of Puerto Rico wrote they’re “Leaving nothing to chance” and making a “final inspection to ensure generator function” before Hurricane Dorian was expected to hit the island.
I recently received an appealing invitation to a halla bake from Chabad of the Hamptons.
Join Rabbi Avi and Mina Richler and Chabad of Gloucester County on an inspirational and adventurous ten-day family trip to Israel!
“We are extremely grateful and excited about the opening of the Molly Blank Jewish Community Center,” said Rabbi Dovie Shapiro, the director of the Chabad of Flagstaff.
The Rabbi Mendy Sasonkin Award for Righteousness will be presented to the rabbi for being “an individual who lived, without exception, a moral and ethical life dedicated to Judaism, the Jewish people and inspiring others to follow in this path
Gurkov said that the Chabad teaches children at a young age about hate, and couples the history of anti-Semitism with the positives life and religion can offer.
Woodmere resident and Holocaust survivor, Fred Lifschutz was the featured speaker at Chabad of Hewlett’s Holocaust commemoration event.
Rabbi Meir Stambler, Head of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine, addressed Prime Minister Netanyahu and foreign and Ukrainian officials in a meeting and spoke about the growth of the Jewish communities and the dedicated work around Ukraine:
Chabad of Parkland received its initial certificate of occupancy this week, thus enabling Chabad to begin its outreach and programming in the Parkland area.
Chaya Mushka High School in Oak Park provides its students with one of the most unusual high school experiences around.
For the second year in a row, children of the West Side enjoyed a fantastic summer experience at the Camp Gan Israel Jewish summer camp.
Her visit is the result of a collaboration between Chabad of Maine, USM, the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine, The Maine Jewish Museum and Chabad of Brunswick, said Rabbi Levi Wilansky, co-director of adult education and youth programming at Chabad of Maine.