Friday, / March 7, 2025
In The Media
In Media
Independent News
Chabad Project to Go Ahead

Speaking during the public hearing, the Millers declared that they had come to like and respect Chabad and believe that they will be a valuable asset to the community.

Press of Atlantic City
Intoxicated man charged with breaking Ventnor synagogue menorah

A large outdoor menorah at Chabad at the Shore was pulled out of the ground and dragged to a neighboring property on the eve of Passover by an intoxicated man.

Darwin Jewish Burial Site Consecrated

For the first time a Jew in Darwin or for that matter a Jew from anywhere in the rest of the Northern Territory can now be buried according to the Jewish law.

Fox 40
Broome County Dedicates Day Of Education And Sharing In Honor Of Rabbi Schneerson

Broome County officials have declared April 16th a day of Education and Sharing in honor of what would have been the 117th birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Nicknamed “Rebbe,” the Rabbi is described as the most influential in modern history.

The Panther
Students ‘disappointed’ with Sodexo and on-campus kosher and halal food options

Some religious and cultural groups on Chapman’s campus like Chapman Chabad and the Iranian Student Cultural Organization (ISCO) feel “unsupported” and say they have gone through an “annoying” process when working with Chapman’s food supplier, Sodexo, to cater to their religious and cultural food needs.

CDA Press
Roving Rabbis Will Host Passover Seder on Friday

Roving Rabbis, based in New York, are dispatched from the Merkos Shlichus Chabad-Lubavitch Student Visitation Program to go out into communities around the world to spread the word of Judaism and provide services for local Jews who might not otherwise have access to be involved in holiday events.

Island Now
Town Officials Celebrate Chabad of Port Washington’s 28th Anniversary

North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Councilmember Dina De Giorgio celebrated the 28th anniversary of the Chabad of Port Washington on March 31 at the Chabad of Port Washington.

Jewish News
Kosher Shop in Wimbledon will be Dedicated to Chabad Rabbi’s Slain Brother

South London’s first dedicated kosher shop will be in memory of Chabad Rabbi Yossi Moscowitz’s brother, Eliyahu, who was murdered last year

TAP into
Hackensack to Mark Education Day Tomorrow, Recognizing the Crucial Role of Education and Bringing the Rebbe’s Call for Increased Focus on Education

Hackensack is gearing up to join citizens worldwide in recognizing the crucial importance of ethical and moral education on April 16 of this year as Mayor John Labrosse and the city council proclaimed Education Day in the Hackensack as a day of increased focus on education in a time of increasing concern over moral standards.

CNY Central
Matzah making event teaches families about Passover

The Chabad House Lubavitch of CNY hosted its Model Matzah Bakery and Passover Experience giving families the chance to learn about the holiday and make their own Matzah.

Florida Politics
Takeaways from Tallahassee — A ‘Fresh from Florida’ … mezuzah?

In fact, the same rabbi — Rabbi Schneur Oirechman of Chabad­Lubavitch of the Panhandle-Tallahassee — also put a mezuzah on the doorjamb of the public entrance to the Governor’s Office at the request of then-Gov. Charlie Crist in 2007.

Jerusalem Post
World’s Biggest Seder: Nepal VS. Thailand

According to the Chabad website, last year’s seder in Kathmandu, Nepal was attended by about 2,000 guests. However, this year the seder planned on the Thai island of Koh Samui may draw as many as 3,000 participants.

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