Valley Chabad’s Friendship Circle spent a day of giving at the Veterans Home in Paramus.
A dozen young teens stepped up to the plate – the Seder plate – at Aishel House on Sunday, April 7, to handcraft Passover symbols plates for patients (and their families) who are undergoing medical treatment at the Texas Medical Center.
Bringing the warmth and tradition of this festival to the West Hartford Community, Chabad will be holding no less than seven public Passover Seders in Greater Hartford area.
Shabbat 360 brought a global atmosphere to Chabad of Georgia Tech and Georgia State University April 5, uniting diverse students, staff and faculty members for a night of outdoor fun.
The leaders of Chabad North Shore, a branch of the Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism movement, have plans for the `mikvah’, a bathhouse, at its College Cres headquarters.
A young Jewish couple just set up the first permanent Chabad House in Kyoto, Japan.
As he tours the United States, German-born rabbi Yitzchak Mendel Wagner will be making a stop in Santa Clarita to give the presentation “The Jews are Back: 80 Years After Kristallnacht, Has Germany Changed?” at Chabad of SCV on Tuesday.
Rabbi Berel Slavaticki and Rochy Slavaticki welcomed the UNH community to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim at the UNH & Seacoast Chabad Jewish Center on Main Street in Durham on Thursday, March 21.
n Arabian Nights Purim at the Persian Palace was the theme for this year’s Chabad House of Hewlett’s celebration of the Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from a threatened massacre in ancient Persia.
Chabad on Campus, which serves some 30,000 students at the seders they run through 265 Chabad centers on or near campuses and the other 235 schools they also serve.
It has taken more than a decade, but the David & Rose Celler Princeton Chabad Center is finally open on Route 206. The organization, formerly located in a house on Route 27, has moved in to its new digs, in time for Passover.
On Dec. 20, 2018, the Rivkins filed a federal lawsuit in defense of their Chabad house (aka “Chabad of Towson and Goucher”) against Baltimore County and the Circuit Court, arguing the government violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA).