Touched by the story of her life, Khalidi teamed up with the local Chabad Rabbi Hezki Lifshitz to establish a life-saving project to provide trekkers with mini oxygen tanks to protect from altitude sickness.
Approximately 60 people attended a “Purim in Italy” party Thursday night at the Chabad SnoCo center in Lynnwood.
Purim is the Jewish holiday at the end of winter (this year on Thursday, March 20). It celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia from the plan to murder all the Jews in the kingdom.
The Jewish holiday of Purim was celebrated in a most unusual fashion in Carmel Thursday evening when Christians and Jews gathered at Putnam Chabad for the region’s first ‘Putnam in the Big Apple’ festival.
Chabad of the Conejo and CKids will sponsor a Model Matzah Bakery and Passover Workshop for children at 10 a.m. Sun., March 24 at the Chabad Center in Agoura Hills, 30345 Canwood St.
Beginning in 2004, The Friendship Circle Program has been part of the menu of services offered by the Chabad of Westchester. This program extends a helping hand to families who have children with special needs in ways that are unmet by other organizations.
Since 1998, when Rabbi Hirshy and Rashi Minkowicz set up camp on Jones Bridge Road, the Jewish community of North Fulton gathered in trailers for Jewish education, worship, programs and simchas.
Chabad of Hunterdon will be hosting a community Purim Party themed The Incredible Purim Superhero Edition, acreative twist to this year’s community celebration of Purim. Attendees are encouraged to wear their favorite Superhero costume. The festivities will be held at The Beaver Brook Country Club on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome
Chabad at Temple University hosted a hamantashen baking event on Sunday in anticipation of the Jewish holiday Purim, which begins Wednesday evening. Purim, which commemorates the saving of Jews from persecution in a story from the biblical book of Esther, will carry into Thursday afternoon.
The Chabad Center of Sudbury invites the community to an evening with Yosef Mendelevich, a former prisoner of Zion and Refusenik, 7 p.m. March 28 at 100 Horse Pond Road, Sudbury.
Aharon Anschel, of Migdal HaEmek in northern Israel, comes every day to the local Chabad soup kitchen, a partner of Leket Israel, to receive a hot meal for his father.
Three of Santa Clarita’s synagogues brought the third annual Purim carnival to William S. Hart Regional Park for celebration and fun on Sunday. “All three synagogues are getting together for fun and excitement,” said Rabbi Choni Marozov from SCV Chabad. “In order for us to truly be strong, we have to be united.”