Sunday, / March 9, 2025
In The Media
In Media
Local News 8
Jackson Rabbi invited to State of the Union

“I’m thrilled that Rabbi Zalman will be joining me for the President’s speech this evening,” Congresswoman Cheney said. “I am blessed to call Rabbi Zalman and his wife Raizy my friends and humbled by their service to people all across our state.

Addison County Independent
Local Jewish leader joins world event

Davida Murray, co-director of Middlebury Chabad, was scheduled to join more than 3,000 women leaders from all 50 U.S. states and 100 countries, hailing from as far away as Laos, Angola, Ghana and Uzbekistan, at the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries (Kinus Hashluchos) last week in Brooklyn, N.Y.

A Re-Emergence of Jews in the South Bronx

“There’s no City in the world that does not have Jews,” said Rabbi Choli Mishulovin, a co-founder of the Chabad of the South Bronx. “And what we’ve noticed in the Bronx is that there are so many of them that are, were just neglected for such a long time.”

Heritage Florida
An opportunity to visit Jewish inmates

Chabad of North Orlando is launching a new initiative with the Aleph Institute, a Tikun Olam focused organization that works in the critical field of criminal justice and advocates for those incarcerated.

Islington Gazette
Islington’s ‘marvellous’ Jewish heritage lives on in walks and words

When members of the Jewish community moved out of the cramped East End and into Islington in the 18th and 19th centuries some said “Heichner Fenster”: a Yiddish term which, in German dialect, means tall window.
This inspired Rabbi Mendy Korer, of the charity Chabad Lubavitch Islington (CBI), to start leading his sell-out Jewish Islington Walking Tour a few years ago.

Heritage Florida
Shluchos from Orlando attend International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries

Last weekend, 10 representatives from Orlando joined more than 3,000 women leaders from all 50 U.S. states and 100 countries.

Heritage Florida
New innovation to engage Jewish teens

It is well known, that the hardest demographic to involve in Jewish life are teens. After bar/bat mitzvah many feel they have completed their Jewish education, not to mention the many after school programs and extra curricular activities.

Miami's Community Newspapers
South Florida to Come Together in Effort to Be More Inclusive, In Synagogues, Schools and Other Jewish Institutions

The Jewish community of South Florida will take an important step in incorporating inclusion of individuals with disabilities and mental health conditions in the synagogue and throughout Jewish life Friday, Feb. 8 – Saturday, Feb. 9 at The Family Shul, in conjunction with Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), which is February.

Greenwich Time
The Mother Lode: Coming together across our differences with Chabad

What do you get when you gather Jewish Orthodox Lubavitch Hasidic women from all over the world together for a weekend in Crown Heights, Brooklyn?

Yale News
Chabad to host technology-free Shabbat

A new Chabad initiative encourages student to ditch technology for a day and enjoy one another’s company.

Queens Daily Eagle
Thousands of Hasidic Jewish Women Visit Graves of Revered Rabbi and Wife

Rebbetzin was considered a leader in the women’s Hasidic movement, bringing “strength and leadership” to the women from around the world, one pilgrim said. Others said she “empowered” women and made their roles in the family more important.

Israel National News
Women power: Chabad emissaries gather in New York

More than 3,000 women from all over the world attended the conference of Chabad-Lubavitch women emissaries in New York.

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