Thousands of rabbis gathered at the Lubavitch Headquarters in Crown Heights in hopes to help strengthen Jewish awareness.
The Rabbinic Conference is held every year, but this year the rabbis say they’re remembering the 11 people killed during Shabbat services last week in Pittsburgh.
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked visited the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in New York Sunday. Shaked lit a candle in his memory, recited Psalms for the success of her family and the State of Israel, and left a note with requests, as is the custom at the site.
Congregants and friends took time to celebrate the birthday of a beloved faith leader who has devoted his life to helping others.
While we were in Iceland we also discovered another shining light, the new Jewish Center of Iceland. This newest of world-wide Chabad Houses is led by 27-year-old Rabbi Avraham Feldman and his charming wife Mushky.
It’s the first Orthodox congregation in the neighborhood in 12 years. Unlike its predecessor, Chabad South Bronx has no permanent building, running services in donated retail and residential spaces in the borough.
He was sent to Mansfield, Mass. to start a Jewish congregation. He was a young man, in his early 30s, wise beyond his years. The Chabad Organization sent him to Mansfield. He came from New York, Crown Heights to be exact.
Colel Chabad, Israel’s oldest continuously operating charity organization, has taken upon itself to ease this challenge by raising funds for daycare centers in the Holy Land. Though the organization has a wide network of welfare programs, one of their prime projects is helping single-parent families.
Jewish College students of all denominations, and the Chabad Rabbis running a Chabad student center at the University of Florida worked together. They loaded the atmospheric water generation truck with medical supplies and ready to eat meals, and headed down to Panama Beach.
The questions have been coming to Rabbi Levi Mentz ever since he helped establish Chabad of Forsyth in 2017. They trickle in from residents, each one interested about the tenants of Judaism.
Chabad Jewish Center of Southern Oregon will open its doors on Monday, October 22nd, at the Medford library at 4:30 p.m.
In November, Rabbi Daniel and Raizel Huebner will move with their three children from New Jersey to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, to run a Chabad center. They’ll be taking with them a traveling Torah dedicated by Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, regional director of Lubavitch of Long Island, and his wife, Chaya.
Over the course of the next two decades, my relationship with Borans and the relationship between Chabad on Campus and AEPi blossomed into a warm bond and worldwide collaboration; our two organizations share a desire to embolden young Jews and develop future Jewish leaders.