Sunday, / March 9, 2025
In The Media
In Media
Pleasanton Weekly
Remembering Kristallnacht

The local Chabad of the Tri-Valley will commemorate this anniversary by hosting German Rabbi Y. M. Wagner to speak at its center in a few weeks on post-Holocaust Jewish life and confronting anti-Semitism.

Students, community remembering Aggie sophomore killed in car crash

Sophie’s friends say she had a magical way of making everyone feel included. A sign outside Chabad Jewish Center reads ‘home away from home’, and members say Sophie made everyone who walked in feel like family.

Get With The Times, Piers Morgan: Even Orthodox Men Aren’t Ashamed To Be Hands-On Dads

Earlier this week, a certain TV personality ruffled some feathers when he tweeted a picture of another famous person taking a walk with his baby strapped to his chest, implying that it was a most un-masculine thing a man can do.

Daily Tar Heel
Israeli reservists come to UNC to share their story with students

Two Israeli reservists came to UNC on Monday to speak about growing up in Israel, serving in the Israeli Defense Forces and their lives after being in the service.

Oberlin Review
The Jewish Development in the NBA and Oberlin

According to Rabbi Shlomo, the co-director of Oberlin’s student Chabad organization, this year’s weekly holiday dinners at Chabad House have regularly hosted at least six members of the men’s basketball team.

Breaking Israel News
Severely Disabled People Make Historic Western Wall Pilgrimage

For groups and individuals who visit the Holy Land from all over the world, the highlight of their visit is often Jerusalem’s Western Wall. For the first time, a special group of severely disabled people, who live in unique housing centers sponsored by the charity organization Colel Chabad, were blessed to join in that life-altering experience.

Canadian Jewish News
Ottawa Businessman Helps Build New Jewish Community Centre

Harley Finkelstein was a poor law school student when he made a pledge to help support the local Chabad emissary, Rabbi Chaim Boyarsky, however he could. Now, over a decade later, Finkelstein is finally following through on that promise.

Israel National News
Chabad couple rides out Hurricane Michael: We’re here to help

When he and his wife moved to Pensacola, Florida, on Sunday afternoon, Rabbi Mendel Danow expected to spend the following couple of weeks settling in and buying supplies for their new home.

Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Cleveland Browns kicker makes a game-winning field goal on the day he got a new mezuzah

Greg Joseph of the NFL’s Cleveland Browns got a new mezuzah and kicked a game-winning field goal — on the same day.
Jewish deli delights in works thanks to Chabad of Bakersfield

As this is a food rather than faith column, there is rarely a mention of God, but the folks at Chabad of Bakersfield are doing the Lord’s work with these pop-up Jewish deli events.

The Daily Campus
C clubs on campus should get more recognition

Cultural and religious clubs on campus do not get the acknowledgement they deserve, and their importance should be recognized.
Being a member of Chabad on Campus has helped me stay connected to my Jewish identity and celebrate Jewish holidays while living away from home.

An Unorthodox Secret: How Chabad Fills Pews With Jews

During this year’s High Holidays I observed that nobody at our Chabad House’s Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services was Orthodox.
Why? Why do several dozen Jews, and in larger cities perhaps several hundred, choose to attend services at Chabad, when the temples and synagogues around the corner offer a much more contemporary experience.

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