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Judge and Journalist Weigh in On the Law

By , Whippany, NJ

This year’s Jewish Law Symposium, a project of Chabad of Madison, New Jersey, asked Why Can’t We All Get Along—Difficult Clients, Families in Business, and Inheritances. Three-time Emmy winning journalist Jeff Greenfield and the Honorable John W. Bissell, former Chief U.S. District Judge, led the discussion on the contrast of Jewish law and American law.

The 750 guests participated in a lively discussion at the Birchwood Manor, in Whippany, in three separate panel discussions. Greenfield kept up his questions, raising thorny issues of clients who want to sue others even when litigation is unjustified, and what judges on a Jewish court of law, known as a Beth Din, does in such cases.

“The High Holidays are a time to reflect on uniting our families and our people, and tonight we are united with this common goalto learn, to grow, and to explore the ethics and values of our faith. Tonight we strive to achieve balance in our individual personal and professional lives,” said Rabbi Shalom Lubin, Chabad representative to Madison, New Jersey.

Rabbi Daniel Rapp a member of the Beth Din of America spoke about the Jewish law’s take on the sometimes heated conversation over the overlap of American and Jewish law. Rapp told the crowd that when the case concerns disagreements within a family, the Beth Din will work towards achieving a compromise for the sake of uniting the family rather than possibly stoking fires of divisiveness.

Altogether, some 37 law firms co-sponsored the event.

“I find this program to be intellectually stimulating and fascinating; I love attending every year. If you come to the Jewish Law Symposium, you will walk away with a body of knowledge you will never forget,” said Cary Cheifetz, of Ceconi and Cheifetz law group.


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