Friday, 14 Adar 5785 / March 14, 2025
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Massandra Winery Produces Kosher Line of Wines

YALTA, Ukraine

( For the first time ever, kosher table wine from the renowned Massandra Winery in the Crimea, known well beyond Ukraine’s borders for its quality wine, is being produced under Kosher supervision.

The Ukrainian Kashrut Committee has organized the production of this special line of kosher wines expected to satisfy even the most demanding consumers. Dry wine labels include Aligote and Cabernet. Semi-sweet labels include a selection of white and red Aluston.

The new wines have been produced under the strictest kosher requirement and the UKC has certified them as “Kosher for Passover” and “mevushal.” The wines are sold in beautiful 0.75 liter bottles bearing colorful labels and a cork made from natural oak.

All stages of the wine production, beginning with the juicing of the grapes, were supervised by the Ukrainian Kashrut Committee. The main equipment used in the production process was purchased specifically for making the kosher wine, and is not used for any other purposes.

The grapes being used for the wines produce the highest quality juice, with only the first extraction used in the production of this wine. No sugar is added to the semi-sweet wines. 



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