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New Haven Synagogue Turns 100

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Despite the ebb and flow of changing demographics in the seacoast city of New Haven, Connecticut, the iconic Orchard Street Shul with its weathered brick facade and Star-of-David-topped cupolas has welcomed generations of New Haven Jews. The shul would become a familiar hub for immigrants fleeing turn-of-the-century pogroms who disembarked at New Haven’s port, as well as New York and Boston professionals drawn to the less frenetic pace of life in this city–equidistant from both metropolises along the I-95.

In the mid-1800s, New Haven boasted a thriving Jewish community composed largely of Eastern European immigrants seeking new lives in the free world. Since then, as the city’s community waxed and waned, old synagogues closed and new ones opened. But the Orchard Street Shul stands proud now in its 100th year, with scores of congregants turning out to mark the milestone.

In 1913, a group of New Haven Jews rented a storefront on Asylum Street, naming their makeshift synagogue Congregation Beth Israel. The community grew, and 1923 the founders purchased land on Orchard Street for $16,000, on which they built a beautiful, colonial-revival style synagogue with a sprawling staircase in the front. Its spacious sanctuary seats 600 on two levels, and is adorned with an intricately-carved wooden ark towering more than 15 feet tall. After moving into their new home in 1924, the congregation became known as the Orchard Street Shul. Its location in the Legion Avenue neighborhood was convenient for congregants, most of whom lived around the area and shopped in its kosher stores.

Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok (Maurice) Hecht was appointed the synagogue’s rabbi in 1948 at the apex of the community’s growth, with around 700 people attending services on Shabbat. 

In 1960, the Legion Avenue neighborhood that the synagogue calls home was torn in half–a victim, like many historical neighborhoods, of new road construction. State Highway 34 sliced through the thriving Jewish and Italian community in the area, causing many people to move elsewhere. After Rabbi Hecht’s passing in 1992, his son Rabbi Shea Hecht served as the synagogue’s rabbi for several years, but the congregation dwindled. By the turn of the 21st century, the main sanctuary languished in disrepair, with only a handful of people showing up for weekday services in the basement auxiliary sanctuary.

In 2010, the synagogue board members decided to sell the building. But Lee Liberman, a longtime member, couldn’t bear the thought of losing this historic synagogue. Liberman joined Rabbi Mendy Hecht — Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Hecht’s grandson, who is now the shul’s rabbi — to persuade the board to authorize a broad renovation project, with the goal of reviving, rather than relocating, the aging synagogue.

Liberman’s daughter Kathi recalled how her father — who passed away during the Covid pandemic — joined the rabbi in raising the funds to restore the historic synagogue. “They really put their noses to the grindstone,” she said. “They were able to restore the interior exactly the way it once was. The details on the walls were repainted, the brick outside was repointed — it became our shul again.” The congregation also successfully lobbied for the Orchard Street Shul to be added to the National Historic Registry, protecting it for the future. 

The work of restoring the main sanctuary to its former glory was completed in time for the High Holidays in 2012. 

“Now, when I sit in shul, I look around, and everything is the same as it was in my childhood,” Kathi describes. “I can still feel the presence of all those people who filled the seats back then. I can hear the Rabbi gently shushing people who were talking too loudly during services. It is more than a synagogue, more than a landmark — it’s our family.”

Now, the Orchard Street Shul sees a consistent minyan for Shabbat and holiday services, with larger crowds gathering for the High Holidays. After recent additions of a social hall and restrooms in the basement floor, the community celebrated the 100th anniversary of the synagogue in late 2024. More than 125 people gathered together for the occasion, including senior members with deep connections to the shul’s history. Lillian Liberman, Lee’s widow and Kathi’s mother, who was celebrating her 100th birthday, was honored as well.

“This is really a story about the strength of a united community,” shares board member Joe Katz. “What kept our synagogue thriving when so many others, unfortunately, had to close, is the dedication, loyalty, and sense of brotherhood that define our community.”

Stuart Levitz, the president of the Orchard Street Shul, was involved in the recent renovations. “Everything we do — any repairs or restorations — we try to ensure the building keeps its historical integrity.” Levitz is quick to credit the shul’s rabbi and rebbetzin, Rabbi Mendy and his wife Dina Hecht. “They’re the driving force. We just help them navigate the hurdles.”

Though it’s a century-old building, the Orchard Street Shul is full of new life inside. “We’re doing our best to keep this synagogue going for many more years,” Levitz said. “We’ve seen people come out of the woodwork recently — at the 100th anniversary celebration, we met many new faces. It gives us momentum, and now the goal is to capitalize on that and keep building the community.”

Remote Jewish Communities Welcome Their Own Mikvahs

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Mobile, Alabama’s Jewish community marked a milestone recently, as the thousand-plus Jews who call the southern port town home welcomed the opening of the Mobile Mikvah — a newly-renovated, modern space that has enhanced Jewish life in the community in the three years since its opening. 

The Mobile Mikvah is one of many across the world constructed with support from Keren HaChomesh — the Chomesh Fund — a fund established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe shortly after the funeral of his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson. The fund’s name is an acronym for the Rebbetzin’s name, and in tribute to her life, the Rebbe earmarked the fund to support Jewish women and girls. 

In the 37 years since its inception the fund has supported widows and orphans; brides in need of support for their weddings; Torah classes and institutions for Jewish women, and the construction and renovation of mikvahs

The fund, which is administered by Machne Israel — the humanitarian branch of teh Chabad-Lubavitch movement — has placed emphasis on supporting the construction of mikvahs serving relatively remote Jewish communities who might not otherwise have had the wherewithal to build on their own.

“Being the only mikvah within a five-hour radius, the Mobile mikvah helps make sure that Jews who would never have dreamt of using the mikvah are now able to do so,” said Rabbi Yosef Goldwasser of Chabad of Mobile. “I would like to thank Keren Hachomesh for helping to make sure that there’s a mikvah in Mobile.”

The fund has brought mikvahs to America’s ports, and to its heartland. In Columbia, Missouri, a mikvah is under construction thanks to Keren Hachomesh. “The closest mikvah is two hours away from us, and it’s difficult to encourage women to join in doing this mitzvahwhen it’s that far away,” said Channy Lapine, of the Chabad Jewish Center of MU and Mid-Missouri. “So we’re very fortunate and grateful to be building — getting into the final stages here, about to pour the cement for the mikvah. Keren Hachomesh made this possible.”

Cluj-Napoca, a city in the Transylvania region of Romania, was once a thriving Jewish city. MOre than 70 years after the Holocaust, when its Jewish population was exterminated, the city’s Jewish community has begun to grow again. Rabbi Dovber and Fraidy Orgad, of the city’s Chabad center, recently completed construction of a mikvah — the first the city has seen in a long time. Their community no longer has to endure long treks to other cities for this cornerstone mitzvah. 
Thirty-seven years later, the fund the Rebbe established continues to impact the lives of Jewish women around the world. As the Rebbetzin’s yahrtzeit is marked, many have the custom to donate to the fund in multiples of 470 — the numerical value of the Rebbetzin’s name — as the Rebbe often encouraged. To learn more about Keren Hachomesh and to partner in their work, visit

Chabad Women Leaders Convene for 35th Annual Conference

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Thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch shluchos — emissaries — will gather this weekend for the annual International Conference of Chabad Shluchos. The Conference marks its 35th year this year, and its theme — Connections — turns the lens on the work these women leaders do to foster connections in their work of community building, often in remote, isolated locales.

One such leader is Mushky Shkedi, of Chabad-Lubavitch in Billings, Montana. The temperature was a frigid 22 degrees below zero as she set out to New York to join the Kinus, but Shkedi said it was worth the trek. 

“Going to the Kinus is incredibly meaningful to me because living in Billings, I don’t often get a chance to connect with many other shluchos,” she said. “The convention allows me to connect with other shluchos in similar communities — we can share tips and inspire each other.”

With more than 3,000 community and lay leaders in attendance, it is the largest convention of Jewish female leadership in the world. The five-day conference includes scores of workshops and sessions, divided into tracks for shluchos serving college campuses or small communities; newly-minted Chabad centers and those who’ve been on the beat for decades. Workshops will be presented in English, French, Hebrew, and other languages, reflecting the many countries these shluchos call home. 

Also featured this year is a half-day Wellness Summit, which will include courses by mental health professionals and therapists providing additional training to the shluchos. They are often the first ones that community members in crisis turn to.

The shluchos will hear from colleagues whose communities have faced challenges. Nechama Diskin, of Chabad in Pacific Palisades — whose own home was destroyed in the recent wildfires — will address the convention. So will Bracha Leah Sasonkin of Chabad in Metula, Israel — meters away from the border with Lebanon.

They’ll visit the Ohel, praying at the resting places of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, on the date of her yahrtzeit on 22 Shevat.

The program will conclude with a gala banquet. The keynote address will be presented by Israel’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Tzipi Hotovely. Thirty five years ago, when she was 12 years old, Hotovely met the Rebbe and received his blessing. 

To find out more about the International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchos, visit

Chabad at George Mason University Helps Open Kosher Restaurant

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Jewish students at George Mason University in Northern Virginia are welcoming the opening of the Mason Mensch, the first kosher restaurant at the college—and in the northern half of the state. The restaurant was created by Chabad at George Mason University, after Chabad’s Rabbi Ezra and Bracha Wiemer saw increased demand for kosher options on campus.

Some 675 of George Mason’s 40,000 students are Jewish, and while they make up less than 2% of the campus population, they are eager to connect. Sienna Wolfe, a junior at GMU, met the Wiemers in 2021. “Here in northern Virginia there are not a lot of Jews, especially on campus,” says the Los Angeles native, “so it was very important to me in a school like this to find the Jewish community.”

Wolfe attends weekly Torah classes and Shabbat dinners at Chabad. “As a student, going to someone’s house and having a home-cooked meal with a lot of fellow Jews is wonderful,” she said. After hearing from Wolfe—and many others—the Wiemers began working to create kosher food options on campus.

Their initial offering was a kosher meal cart, created in coordination with Char Bar—a Washington, D.C. kosher restaurant, who’d deliver pre-packaged meals each day. As demand grew and the meals would sell out, Chabad advocated for a brick-and-mortar Jewish restaurant on campus. That has now been opened, with Char Bar partnering with the college and other Jewish and food service organizations to create the restaurant. Michael Chelst, who owns Char Bar, says it’s “an honor to bring kosher to the university and the Northern Virginia community.”

The restaurant has its own kitchen, and all food is cooked fresh onsite. Diners enjoy brisket nachos, chicken poppers, and shawarma arayes. “I come from a community with lots of kosher restaurants, and the food at Mason Mensch is absolutely incredible,” Wolfe said. “Even non-Jewish students eat there, and it’s nice to see support from other students.”

The Mason Mensch has become a gathering space for Jewish students as well as the local Northern Virginia Jewish community. The opening—at a time when many Jewish students had felt beleaguered on campus after a string of disturbing antisemitic incidents and the arrest of a GMU student who’d plotted a terrorist attack—has made a statement, according to students.

“A lot of Jewish students were afraid to join anything Jewish on campus, and the Mason Mensch gives them a space where they can go and be a proud Jew, eat kosher meals with other Jewish students, and feel safe,” Wolfe said. “It shows the community we’re a strong Jewish presence, and we’re not going anywhere; we’re going to be here no matter what.”

Jewish Fans Find Warm Welcome in New Orleans

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As Jewish football fans from Kansas City and Philadelphia descend on New Orleans to watch their teams duke it out in the Super Bowl, Chabad-Lubavitch of Louisiana is serving as a nerve center for Jewish needs. 

Rabbi Yossi Nemes, of Chabad of Suburban New Orleans in Metairie, has arranged for food delivery to be available through kosher caterers. Nemes also hosted families and individuals for Shabbat, where they joined the community’s commemoration of Yud Shevat — the 75th yahrzeit of the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, and the transition of leadership to the Rebbe. 

Chabad-Lubavitch of Louisiana will also staff a stand in the French Quarter on game day, offering Jewish fans the opportunity to do a mitzvah and learn more about Judaism. Rabbi Yossi Cohen of Chabad-Lubavitch of Louisiana says that tourists often reach out to Chabad, and they are always welcome to join the robust Jewish community in New Orleans during their stay. 

“Visitors are often pleasantly surprised to learn about the beautiful Jewish community in New Orleans, with synagogues, mikvahs and kosher eateries dotting the Big Easy,” Cohen said. “And as Jewish fans come to town, we are ensuring they feel welcome to experience Jewish life in Louisiana.”

Marking 75 Years of Transformation

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This Shabbos, the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, marks the seventy-fifth yahrtzeit of the the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, and is the date that his son-in-law, the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory—assumed the mantle of Chabad leadership. The date has since been celebrated as a day of reflection on the legacies of these two great Jewish leaders.

“I’ve never met the Lubavitcher Rebbe, but my life is strongly impacted by the Rebbe,” said Rabbi Yossi Cohen of New Orleans, Louisiana.

In the Big Easy, scores of Jewish people will gather on Friday evening. Longtime community members will join Jews visiting just for the weekend in advance of Sunday’s Super Bowl. They will hear from fellow community members, Jews who lived all or most of their lives in the American South, and who never met the Lubavitcher Rebbe—but whose lives have been transformed by his leadership. 

Seventy-five years after the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe passed away and his son-in-law, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, assumed leadership of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement, there are more than 3,500 Chabad-Lubavitch institutions, staffed by some 6,000 emissary couples in more than 100 countries and territories. In the past 75 years, Chabad-Lubavitch has established Jewish communities in hundreds of cities.

This Shabbat, those Jewish communities around the world will gather to reflect on the leadership of these two giants, and the resonating impact they continue to have on Jewish life today. 

In Miami, Florida, author Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson of Belgravia, London UK will keynote what Chabad of Kendall is calling “Inaugural Shabbat,” focusing on the Rebbe’s wisdom for designing a life of purpose. After Shabbat, Kalmenson will speak to a crowd of hundreds at The Shul in Bal Harbour. A few hours north in Orlando, Chazan David Babinet will share his personal journey from his life as an opera singer to a lifestyle committed to Torah.

Chabad of Mequon, Wisconsin will host an evening titled, “This World is a Garden,” on Sunday, February 2. Drawing inspiration from the sixth Chabad Rebbe’s final chassidic discourse, titled “I Have Come to my Garden,” they will explore themes of connection, resilience, and the divine spark in every part of creation. The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra String Quartet will serenade participants with chassidic melodies.

Chabad of Charlotte, N.C. will gather to be comforted and inspired at a community Shabbat dinner at the Chabad House days after the center was the site of the funeral of beloved flight attendant Ian Epstein, who perished in the midair collision on the Potomac. 

At Chabad Flamingo in the greater Toronto, Ontario area, Rabbi Sholom Ber Hertzel of Chabad in the Golan Heights keynoted an evening honoring the Rebbe and recalling the Rebbe’s guidance and support for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel and around the world.

In Blue Ash, Ohio, the Jewish community will host guest speaker, Rabbi Mendel Block of Plano, Texas. And similar community Shabbat dinners and get-togethers will take place in cities from coast to coast paying tribute to the enduring impact of the Rebbe’s leadership. 

“World Jewry is deeply indebted to the sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn, for transferring Yiddishkeit to the United States, and for laying the groundwork together with his son-in-law, the Rebbe, for the Jewish day school system and Chabad’s outreach activities,” observed Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, chairman of the educational and social services divisions of Lubavitch. 

Santa Fe Foodies Welcome Chabad’s Manhattan Avenue Deli

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The aromas of fresh pastrami and homemade matzah ball soup wafting through the heart of Santa Fe, a city more known for its chile verde than its Jewish cuisine, is a fresh surprise. But besides serving up authentic New York fare, the new, aptly-named “Manhattan Avenue Deli” in New Mexico’s capital is forging Jewish connections.

Local foodies and casual eaters flocked to the deli opened by Chabad in November. Members of Facebook groups like “Santa Fe Foodies” raved about the new spot and its delicious fare, with high points for the pastrami sandwiches matzah ball soup.

Chef Aaron Moskowitz ensures each dish tastes as good as it looks. “When the idea to open a deli came up, I was immediately on board.” With a rich culinary background and a longtime relationship with the Levertovs, Aaron was the perfect pick.

He wants to fuse the New York classics with the tastes of New Mexico. “Green chilies are very popular here — we are looking to start incorporating more local flavors into our traditional dishes.” The restaurant currently sources most of its ingredients from New York to ensure the strictest kosher standards, but they want to start making fresh baked goods right in Santa Fe. “We are going to start baking bread, rugelach, and babka so everyone can enjoy a bite right out of the oven.”

Until a few months ago, kosher food was scarce in the Southwestern region of the United States, the closest kosher restaurant being in Denver, Colorado. But with the completion of a new 16,000 square foot Chabad House, which included a full-size commercial kitchen, Rabbi Berel and Devorah Leah Levertov saw an opportunity: to offer quality, kosher food to anyone who needed it.

Located on the aptly named Manhattan Ave, the deli is now open two days a week with catering options as well. A warm, inviting vibe with exposed brick walls and New York themed decor, the eatery serves up classics like pastrami on rye and piping hot potato knishes.

Rabbi Shmuel Itkin, manager of Manhattan Avenue Deli and son-in-law of Rabbi Berel Levertov sees the restaurant as a way for Jews to connect. “Many people come to the deli to enjoy delicious kosher food — people who would have otherwise never stepped foot into a synagogue.” With the restaurant located inside the Chabad center, the deli not only satisfies appetites but also draws people into a space where Jewish culture and community come alive.

“I love ordering lunch for my office from the deli,” says Dr. Loretta Torres. “It’s really incredible to have tasty, kosher food so easily available in Santa Fe. Rabbi Shmuel truly works hard to make it possible.”

But whether you’re a tourist or a local, Jew or non-Jew, deli aficionado or just hungry — Manhattan Avenue Deli has something to nourish your body — and your soul.

Today In Jewish History: 20 Teves

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Today in Jewish History: 20 Teves, Passing Of Maimonides

The “Rambam,” acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben (son of) Maimon, passed away today, the 20th of Teves in 4965 (1204). Born in Cordoba, Spain on Passover eve in 1135 or 1138, the Rambam became known to the world as Maimonides.

He was of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages, as well as a preeminent astronomer and physician to the world. His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah carries significant canonical authority as a codification of Talmudic law and his works on philosophy, including the Moreh Nevuchim (Guide to The Perplexed) is studied the world over. When, as a child, his family fled Jewish persecution in Spain they became nomadic wanderers, eventually settling in Morocco and from there: Egypt. In Egypt Maimonides gained world renown as a court physician and community leader, assisting people of any race. He is buried in Tiberias in Israel.

The Tombstone of Moses Maimonides, also known as Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon or the acronym the Rambam