Wednesday, / February 5, 2025
Lubavitch News Service
Chabad Prepares For The World Cup
Chabad’s Rabbi Chaim Danziger says, “We’re waiting for you.” See article:, Video credits: Дмитрий Зотов | Сергей Бибин
Today in History: 12 and 13 Tammuz
The day that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, sixth Chabad Rebbe, received official release from Soviet imprisonment was also his 47th birthday. The two days of…
Women and feminism? Israel National News interviews Esther Piekarski of Tel Aviv
Feminism, Women of the Wall, air pollution, Israel’s borders, halacha, the Rebbe’s leadership, Esther Piekarski discusses all in this interview with Israel National News in…
When the Rebbe Arrived in the U.S.
Today is the date on the Hebrew calendar, the 28th of Sivan in 1941, when the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson arrived safely in…
Friendship Circle Leads Community Activists To Israel
This past month, Friendship Circle led a group of community leaders and activists to Israel. The goal was to discover Israel’s societal achievements, most notably…
Rabbi Zalman Wolowik speaks at opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem
Rabbi Zalman Wolowik of Chabad of the Five Towns, Long Island, New York shares a message at the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem,…
Outside the Warsaw Ghetto, The Chabad Tent
Near the entrance to the Warsaw Ghetto, the Chabad Tent offers a space for visitors to process their tour of Poland’s Jewish history, Nazi death…

February Is Jewish Inclusion Month
Inclusion seems to be the buzzword of the year. But what does it mean? This February the Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative has partnered with Friendship…
“Welcome Back Moshe”
Moshe Holtzberg, survivor of the “26/11” Mumbai attack, returns to his hometown. His parents, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg, were killed by terrorists and Moshe…
Chabad Ghana Hebrew School Chanukah Performance
A 2017 Chanukah performance by children in Ghana, Africa!
19th of Kislev and the Modern Era
The 19th of Kislev—of the 3rd month of the Hebrew calendar—marks a milestone in Chabad history. In this talk from 1984, the Lubavitcher Rebbe weaves…
The Rabbi Who Gave Back
It was Simchat Torah night, and a young boy’s mother lay ill in bed. Rabbi Yonasan Abrams tells his story of distraught child to a…
Dancing With IDF Soldiers in Chevron
Rabbi Danny Cohen of Chabad in Chevron opens up about his personal journey and what inspires him in Chevron today.
1200 Gather at Brazil Mega Challa Bake
For the third consecutive year, Chabad in Porto Alegre, Brazil organized a mega challah bake event. 1,200 women gathered together to bake bread and celebrate…
A stirring melody before Yom Kippur
The Aseret Yemei Teshuva, the Ten Days of Repentance that run from Rosh Hashana until Yom Kippur, is a time dedicated to teshuva and introspection.…
Looking beyond our differences is an essence of Chabad philosophy. In this video from the Jewish Learning Institute, learn how you can best help those…
Welcoming a Torah in Queensland, AUS
On Sunday, August 6, the Jewish community in North Queensland received its first ever Torah scroll. A crowd of 200 people, led by Chabad emissaries…
Why Do We Celebrate 15 Av?
The Talmud states: “Never were there more joyous days for the Jewish People than the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur,” listing five or six…
In G-d We Trust
Here’s an interesting take from the Lubavitcher Rebbe on a phrase that Every American knows, one that’s printed on every U.S. coin and dollar: In…
The Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Six Day War
A talk from the Rebbe a few days before the Six Day War began. This week marks 50 years since Israel’s miraculous victory in the…
Videos & Galleries
Videos & Galleries
The funeral of Ian Douglas Epstein — a Jewish flight attendant who perished on American Airlines Flight 5342 — will take place at Chabad of Charlotte, North Carolina
Ice and fire combine to illuminate the night, courtesy of Chabad of Steamboat Springs.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida
A unique menorah stands at Wasilla Lake in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley, placed by Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Greenberg of the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad
The Executive Director of Machne Israel, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky, paid a Shiva visit to the family of Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, הי״ד, Shliach of the Rebbe in the UAE, who was brutally murdered
Olathe, Kansas—the state’s fourth-largest city—will welcome its first Jewish center
On a windswept beach in beautiful Turks and Caicos, Chabad Rabbi Shmulik Berkowitz brings Sukkot observances to tourists and locals on the Caribbean island
Sukkah on aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln
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