Tuesday, / January 7, 2025
Lubavitch News Service
Rabbi Wolff Presents Bibi Netanyahu with Photo of the Rebbe
During a diplomatic visit to Australia, PM Bibi Netanyahu made a stop at the Central Synagogue in Sydney, where Rabbi Levi Wolff presented him with…
Australian Prime Minister visits Central Synagogue in Sydney
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy joined the pre-Shabbat menorah lighting ceremony at the Central Synagogue of Sydney this past Friday. “We…
25 Years of Lighting the Menorah in Moscow’s Red Square
This Chanukah marks the twenty-fifth consecutive year that Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berl Lazar lit the menorah in Moscow’s Red Square. The event, which…
Israeli President Ruvi Rivlin Visits Mumbai Chabad House
President of Israel Ruvi Rivlin and his wife Nechama toured Nariman House in Mumbai, India Monday to commemorate the murders of Rabbi Gabi and Rivky…
Energy Runs High at EnerJew Shabbaton in Moscow
At the EnerJew Shabbaton, which took place this past weekend in Moscow, Russia, participants danced and sang along to a popular Russian Jewish song. EnerJew,…
Hachnossas Sefer Torah in Oslo, Norway
Watch as the Jewish community in Oslo, Norway, celebrates the completion of a new Torah scroll. Read the full article here: http://lubavitch.com/news/article/2058035/Oslo-s-Jews-Dance-in-the-Streets-Hoping-for-Better-Days-Ahead.html
The Way Things Were
Rabbi Yoel Kaplan plays a Chasidic niggun (melody) on the violin in the courtyard of Chabad’s Rebbes in the picturesque town of Lubavitch, Russia. Rabbi…
Murkowski Delivers Floor Speech After Rabbi Greenberg Opens Senate
Chabad’s chief representative to Alaska leads a prayer at the opening of the Senate session in Washington DC. His prayer is followed by Alaska Senator…
Chabad’s chief representative to Alaska leads a prayer at the opening of the Senate session in Washington DC.
Chabad’s chief representative to Alaska leads a prayer at the opening of the Senate session in Washington DC. His prayer is followed by Alaska Senator…
Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries
Watch the 3,000 Chabad-Lubavitch women emissaries and their guests as they celebrated at the annual banquet, the culmination of a five-day International Conference of Women…
A Special Night for Special Children
The second night was dedicated to Friendship Circle of Central Jerusalem’s dedicated volunteers and children and to all people with special needs. Ambassador Michael Oren…
Celebrating at the Conference of Chabad Emissaries
Participants at the banquet dinner of the annual International Conference of Chabad Shluchim take to the floor at Brooklyn’s South Marine Terminal.
Chabad representative to Nepal at a Nepali displaced person camp
Chani Lifshitz, Chabad representative to Nepal, talks about the pain of the displaced Nepali population in Kathmandu, the joy in the peoples eyes when they…
“WALK TALL AS JEWS” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks On Jewish Pride
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, former chief rabbi of the British Empire, shares his experiences and vision pertaining to this important issue. (This talk is from the…
Videos & Galleries
Videos & Galleries
Ice and fire combine to illuminate the night, courtesy of Chabad of Steamboat Springs.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida
A unique menorah stands at Wasilla Lake in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley, placed by Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Greenberg of the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad
The Executive Director of Machne Israel, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky, paid a Shiva visit to the family of Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, הי״ד, Shliach of the Rebbe in the UAE, who was brutally murdered
Olathe, Kansas—the state’s fourth-largest city—will welcome its first Jewish center
On a windswept beach in beautiful Turks and Caicos, Chabad Rabbi Shmulik Berkowitz brings Sukkot observances to tourists and locals on the Caribbean island
Sukkah on aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln
Keren Mamosh Impact Report
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