Friends of Lubavitch are being asked to arrange regular Friday-night social events after 300 young Jews attended a lively Shabbat dinner last weekend at a…
In the grand finale of a comprehensive Bar Mitzva project, more than 100 boys and girls celebrated their coming-of-age at a joyous Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration…
Chabad of South Orlando’s neighborhood zoning woes may become a Supreme Court test case of a landmark religious freedom act signed by President Clinton. Over…
The Chief Rabbi of the Donbass Region, Pinchas Vyshedsky, held a meeting with two Cossack leaders – Anatoly Shevchenko, the Head (Hetman) of the Ukrainian…
The Chief Rabbi of the Donbass Region, Pinchas Vyshedsky, held a meeting with two Cossack leaders – Anatoly Shevchenko, the Head (Hetman) of the Ukrainian…
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Fuss of Brooklyn, New York, were appointed Chabad representatives to Riverside, California. The couple will establish a Chabad House to serve…
Internet has long since become a means for people hopelessly far apart to communicate. Now Gilat Satellite Networks (NASDAQ:GILTF) technology is helping Russia’s Jews to…
Terminal Care and the Terri Schiavo Case; Embryonic Death and the Creation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells; Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism and Sexuality and…
Chabad-Lubavitch of London announced the construction of a new Center adjacent to the existing Lubavitch House of London. The proposed state-of the art facility will…
Buckhurst Hill in Essex, England will soon enjoy its own Chabad House. Rabbi and Mrs. Adam Brandman were appointed new Chabad representatives to the area.…
Rabbi and Mrs. Ari Kirschenbaum were appointed as new Chabad representatives to Prospect Heights Brooklyn. The young couple will establish a Chabad House and a…
Mountain trekkers who experienced the Passover seders with Chabad in Nepal, come back for more. Here against the backdrop of Nepal’s breathtaking scenery, they explore…
Among the hundreds of monuments that form the stark and moving Sheepshead Bay Holocaust Memorial – monuments bearing familiar names like Auschwitz, Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen and…
Sixty years after WWII came to an end, communities Europe-wide conducted ceremonies of solemn remembrance this week. In many of the cities, Chabad rabbis marched…
Today, over 300 Members of Congress led by Representatives Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), and Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) sent a letter…