Monday, / March 3, 2025
Lubavitch News Service
Shlucha is Lower Saxony’s Woman of the Year
Rebbetzin Shterna Wolff’s husband passed away suddenly in 2020, leaving her with 8 children and a Chabad Center to care for. She resolved to carry…
School Supplies for Storm-Struck Kentucky
Chabad’s Project Friendship’s new Kentucky centers will give clothes and school supplies to kids who lost their homes in last year’s tornados. Kentucky Lt. Governor…
Super Bowl Wrap Up
As thousands of fans stream in to watch the Rams and Bengals go head to head at Super Bowl LVI, Rabbi Yanky Kahn of Chabad…
Chabad Prepares Kosher Food for Olympics
Thanks to Rabbi Shimon Freundlich, Jewish athletes, coaches, and journalists in Beijing for the 2022 Winter Olympics will have access to nourishing kosher meals.  At…
Chabad Rabbi Now Airforce Chaplain
In a quiet ceremony in Brooklyn, Rabbi Mordechi Z. Hecht took the oath of office and was sworn in as a United States Air Force…
Basketball Player Sees Gravity of Antisemitism
After former Miami Heat player Meyers Leonard uttered an antisemitic slur on a gaming live stream, he took responsibility and worked with Chabad Rabbis to…
Chabad Rabbis Join Post-Fire Relief Effort
Chabad Rabbis Michoel Mishulovin and Chayim B. Alevsky joined an effort by Masbia Soup Kitchen to provide food to residents displaced by a deadly fire…
Senior Chabad Rabbi Opens Senate for Tenth Time
This Tuesday, January 11th, marked the tenth time Rabbi Moshe Feller has opened a session of the United States Senate with a prayer. As the…
New South Florida Educational Center Breaks Ground
On Sunday, December 5, Chabad Chayil in Highland Lakes, FL, broke ground on a  $12 million Educational Center. Director Rabbi Moshe Keivman says the center…
NFL Kicker Surprises Minneapolis Young Professionals
Fresh off kicking a game-winning field goal, Vikings’ kicker Greg Joseph surprised the crowd at a Chabad’s Young Jewish Professionals event Tuesday night when he…
International Conference Of Shluchim 2021 Gala Banquet
The 38th International Conference Of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries concluded with a gala banquet attended by Chabad Rabbis and their partners and supporters. The evening celebrated Chabad’s…
New Chabad Center for Largest University in the US
Chabad at the University of Central Florida broke ground this week for a new Chabad Jewish Student Center. The two-acre property, conveniently located next to…
Jewish Festivals Attract Thousands
This summer, Jewish festivals are taking place across the country.     In Mequon, Wisconsin, Chabad of Mequon hosted its third Annual Jewish Food Festival, and…
Cteen Delegates Meet President of Israel
Eleven teen representatives of the Chabad teen network, CTeen, met with President Isaac Herzog this morning at his home in Central Jerusalem. The teens were…
Florida Governor Visits Chabad Shul to Sign Two New Bills
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis visited the Chabad Shul of Bal Harbour last week to sign two bills into law that have direct significance to the…
Chabad In Hannover Germany Inaugurates Their New Center ‘Beis Binyomin’, Named After The Late Rabbi Benny Wolff
One year after Hanover’s Chabad Rabbi Benny Wolff passed away at the age of 43, his family and community inaugurated a new Chabad center in…
The Jewish 95 Year Old WWII Veteran In Lagrange, GA
When two rabbinical students went looking for the few Jewish families in Lagrange, GA, little did they know they’d end up meeting a Jewish 95-year-old…
100th Birthday For Longtime Member
Mrs. Harriet Katatsky of Kingston, NY, celebrates her socially-distant 100th birthday party, with Rabbi Yitzhak and Leah Hecht of Chabad of Ulster County. Mrs. Katatsky,…
First Israeli Flight Lands In Nigeria To Evacuate 4 Israelis With Covid-19 – Chabad of Nigeria Leads The Way
From the moment they were informed that their test came back positive for Covid-19, Chabad of Nigeria escorted the family all the way to the…
Kosher for Israeli, US and Moroccan Officials
Rabbi Levi Banon of Chabad of Casablanca, Morocco provides kosher food for American, and Israeli officials meeting w/ Moroccan counterparts in Rabat on December 22,…
Shanghai Lights Up Chanukah Night #1
Close to 200 expats living in Shanghai, participated in the Chanukah celebration at the Ohel Rachel Historic Synagogue led by the Rabbi of the community,…
Chanukah Bake-Off, Rabbi Edition!
Two Chabad rabbis were among the four contestants in Great Britain’s United Synagogue’s “Rabbi, Steady, Cook” bake-off. Rabbi Daniel Walker of Heaton Park Synagogue in…
Mazal Tov To The New Shluchim To Hendon, UK
Rabbi Shlomo and Channa Fuchs were recently appointed to join the team at Chabad House of Hendon in London, England led by Rabbi Gershon and…
New Shluchim to the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
Rabbi Mendel and Esty Khutoretsky established a Chabad center on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. They joined the team of Chabad of Rural and…
Videos & Galleries
Videos & Galleries
International Conference of Chabad Shluchos group photo
The funeral of Ian Douglas Epstein — a Jewish flight attendant who perished on American Airlines Flight 5342 — will take place at Chabad of Charlotte, North Carolina
Ice and fire combine to illuminate the night, courtesy of Chabad of Steamboat Springs.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida
A unique menorah stands at Wasilla Lake in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley, placed by Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Greenberg of the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad
The Executive Director of Machne Israel, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky, paid a Shiva visit to the family of Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, הי״ד, Shliach of the Rebbe in the UAE, who was brutally murdered
Olathe, Kansas—the state’s fourth-largest city—will welcome its first Jewish center
On a windswept beach in beautiful Turks and Caicos, Chabad Rabbi Shmulik Berkowitz brings Sukkot observances to tourists and locals on the Caribbean island
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