Monday, / February 24, 2025
Lubavitch News Service
Last Night the Boxer Stepped into a Different Ring
Undefeated junior welterweight Dimitry “Star of David” Salita was married yesterday to Alona Aharonov, of West Bloomfield, Michigan, in a traditional Chasidic wedding. The ceremony…
Chabad’s Rabbi Lazer Danzinger, Captain, CFSTG Chaplain Services, National Defence, Borden, ON, Canada with Canada’s Minister of National Defence.
On Thursday, Aug. 13, Canada’s Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Peter MacKay visited CFB Borden. While viewing the training underway at a mock FOB,…
Road Sages: Finding Jews in All the Right Places
While en route from Chicago to Minneapolis last weekend, three guys in a Dodge Sprinter heard about a small town halfway to their destination.  
Road Sage: Rabbis Cruise For A Cause
The decorated Dodge Sprinter promises to be a traffic stopper this summer as it makes its way from New York to California, three Chabad rabbis…
Chabad Rabbis with ANDREW M. CUOMO
Rabbi Hanoch Hecht from Chabad Dutchess Rabbi Yitzchok Hecht from Chabad of Ulster county & his son Mendel met Attorney General Andrew Cuomo today. Mr…
Bar Mitzvah Celebration for Israel’s Orphans
107 Israeli boys orphans were honored at a moving bar mitzvah ceremony Monday, at the Western Wall. Colel Chabad’s annual Bar Mitzvah Project sponsored the…
Jewish Education in Russia Gaining Momentum:
Two new Jewish online schools opened this week for dozens of children Russia-wide. Dozens of Jewish children dispersed across nine different time zones in Russia…
Historic Pictures of Kfar-Chabad
Five miles south of Tel Aviv and near Ben Gurion airport is Israel’s modern day version of Anatevka, complete with agricultural fields, milk cows, numerous…
Encountering Chabad at Hanover Israel Day Festival
Sunday’s fourth annual Israel Day Festival in Hanover, Germany drew more than 1000 local Jews and featured Jewish, Israeli, religious and cultural attractions, including a…
Passover With Chabad in Mumbai
The seders in Mumbai were part of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch Passover campaign funded by the support of philanthropists, including Mr. George Rohr and Mr. Guma…
Chabad of Ft. Lauderdale Celebrates Goldie’s Torah
Goldie Lipszyc kissing a Torah written and dedicated in honor of her Bat Mitzvah, Sunday at Chabad of Ft. Lauderdale.
Dnepropetrovsk City Establishes Memorial For Former Chief Rabbi
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson (1878-1944), the former chief rabbi of Dnepropetrovsk, became Ukraine’s first spiritual leader to have his life commemorated with a public memorial…
Purim Gifts Come Early In Dnepropetrovsk
Earlier this week, thousands lined up at the Central Golden Rose Synagogue to receive Purim food packages distributed by the Jewish community.
International Conference of Shluchos
The banquet session closed the five day conference, a whirlwind of events that explored all aspects of the Jewish feminine experience and allowed lay leaders…
Preparing for Battle Near Gaza
Chabad representative, Rabbi Yossi Swerdlov, helps a soldier with tefillin
Chabad day school receives award from mayor of Milan
Chabad day school receives award from mayor of Milan
Snatched From the Inferno
Moshe Holtzberg, 2, is spirited out of the besieged Mumbai Chabad by his heroic nanny, Sandra Samuel, who is now in Israel to be close…
Videos & Galleries
Videos & Galleries
The funeral of Ian Douglas Epstein — a Jewish flight attendant who perished on American Airlines Flight 5342 — will take place at Chabad of Charlotte, North Carolina
Ice and fire combine to illuminate the night, courtesy of Chabad of Steamboat Springs.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida
A unique menorah stands at Wasilla Lake in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley, placed by Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Greenberg of the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad
The Executive Director of Machne Israel, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky, paid a Shiva visit to the family of Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, הי״ד, Shliach of the Rebbe in the UAE, who was brutally murdered
Olathe, Kansas—the state’s fourth-largest city—will welcome its first Jewish center
On a windswept beach in beautiful Turks and Caicos, Chabad Rabbi Shmulik Berkowitz brings Sukkot observances to tourists and locals on the Caribbean island
Sukkah on aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln
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