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In preparation for Pesach, over 100 emissaries worldwide are currently launching the Pesach Escape Room: The FreedoMan Files, a 45-minute fun filled “Exodus experience” specifically designed for children.
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A project of CKids Club International, the Escape Room explores themes of Jewish identity, freedom, and pride, providing children with a whole new understanding of Pesach and the Seder. Participants will “travel back in time” 3,500 years to a land of Pharaohs, sorcerers, slaves, and miracles, incorporating teamwork and creative thinking to locate secret inscriptions, decode ancient messages, and unlock hidden doors to finally break free.
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In the last ten years, Escape Rooms have emerged as one of the most popular action filled, interactive, adventure games in the world. With an emphasis on team-building and imaginative problem solving, Escape Room: The FreedoMan Files offers a hands-on voyage into the past as a means to gain deeper insight into our present and future.
CKids Passover Escape Room
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