For the past few months, Russia’s kashrut committee has been hard at work preparing for Passover, aiming to offer a huge variety of holiday products without compromising the high level of kashrut standards set by the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berl Lazar.
With the growth of Jewish communities throughout the country, the demand for kosher passover products in Russia is steadily increasing. In order to satisfy the widespread demand, matza bakeries have increased their output, Rabbi Yosef Verzov is overseeing the training of skilled kashrut supervisors, and the Rabbis of the kashrut committee, headed by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Marzel, traveled to Belarus to conduct a dedicated shechita (ritual slaughter) session. Additionally, for the very first time the RC Cola company was thoroughly vetted and awarded a “kosher for Passover” certificate.
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