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Russian President Mr. Vladimir Putin inaugurated a monument to commemorate the rebels of the ghettos and concentration camps in the Holocaust. The monument stands at the entrance to Chabad's Jewish Tolerance Museum in Moscow’s Marina Roscha neighborhood.
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President Putin declared: “We will not allow the rekindling of anti-Semitism and nationalism. We may not forget the horrors of the Holocaust, and we must remember the heroism of its opponents. There is no forgiving what the Nazis did.”
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The impressive monument was erected in the plaza of the Jewish Museum, which has become a magnet for thousands of visitors each week. There they can learn about, and receive a comprehensive picture of, the Jewish people throughout the generations, all the way up to the current revival and renaissance of Judaism throughout the vast country of Russia.
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Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar, who initiated the building of the Jewish Museum, spoke movingly about Jewish memories from the Holocaust. He also recited the Kel Malei Rachamim prayer in memory of the martyrs.
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Russian President Vladimir Putin Dedicates Holocaust Memorial
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