Three teen members of Chabad of the Greater Five Town in Long Island, NY, have been in the news this week, and with good reason. Forteen-year-olds, Chaim Hecht, Shmuel Jacobs and Zaki Kapetas were walking their usual Friday route, on their way to help Woodmere locals do the mitzvah of tefillin when they spotted bundles of cash. The bills, bound with rubber bands and accompanied by deposit slips were lying on the floor in the parking lot of the Signature Bank and totaled $8,000. "We knew we had to give it back, there was no hesitation," Chaim said. And so they did. Bank officials were surprised and grateful, "It shows there are kids still being brought up the right way," they said. Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, co-director of Chabad of the Five Towns said he was very proud of the boys. It's only human to imagine the things you could have done with the money afterwards, but Zaki says that didn't make them any less certain about what they would do. "This is how my parents act," said Shmuel. "This was like a test and you always do the right thing." The bank rewarded the boys with thank you notes and $25 gift cards.
The menorah measures 61.3 feet long—a nod to the Torah’s 613 commandments. This year, its message of Jewish pride will also include the prayerful hope…
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Olathe, Kansas—the state’s fourth-largest city—will welcome its first Jewish center, as Rabbi Mendel and Sheina Wenger have moved to Olathe, where they are founding a…
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In a special initiative marking the 30th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe, Keren Mamosh, under the auspices of Machne Israel awarded 100 special grants to Chabad-Lubavitch…
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