Saturday, 15 Adar 5785 / March 15, 2025
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Rabbi Pinchus Shmuel Krinsky, Age 82

Boston, MA

( Rabbi Pinchus Shmuel Krinsky, a pillar of the Boston Jewish community, passed away Tuesday, May 4, 2010, at age 82.

Rabbi Pinchus Shmuel is survived by his children, among them several Chabad Shluchim, Mrs. Miriam Grossbaum of Melbourne, Australia, Mrs. Sima Pruss of Brooklyn, NY, Mrs. Rivkah Altein. Montreal, Canada, Ms. Gittel Krinsky-Vogel of Brighton, MA, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky of Morristown, NJ, Mrs. Etta Feigelstock of Pittsburgh, PA, Rabbi Shalom Ber Krinsky of Vilna, Lithuania, Mrs. Chanie Serebryansky of Denver, CO and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Krinsky of Needham, MA.

He will be interred at the Old Montefiore cemetery in Springfield Gardens, NY, near the resting place of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The funeral will pass his home, tonight, at 239 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton, Mass., where the Boston Jewish community wil bid their farewell, and will pass Lubavitch Headquarters, in Brooklyn, New York, on Wednesday, at 12:30pm.


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