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Two Thousand Chabad Rabbis to Convene in New York


The annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim, sponsored by Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, the Lubavitch educational and outreach arm, will begin on Wednesday, November 19, at Lubavitch World Headquarters, in New York.

According to Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and the conference, this convention is expected to host some 2,000 shluchim active in some 65 countries.

“This gathering is a unique representation of the widest spectrum, both spiritual and geographic, of the world wide Jewish community. In the presence of this body of dedicated Jewish public servants, one can truly feel the heartbeat of Jewish life in communities around the globe”, says Rabbi Krinsky.

The conference begins on Wednesday and runs for six days through Monday, November 24.

“A most exciting aspect of the conference,” notes Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, conference Director, is that “while this convention of shluchim represents disparate countries and languages, all are united in their singular devotion to perpetuate the Rebbe’s legacy toward Torah-true Jewish continuity.”


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