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150 Jewish service members gathered at The Shul of Bal Harbour for the 18th annual Aleph Military Symposium and Shabbaton.
Spirituality on the slopes
International Conference of Chabad Shluchos group photo
The funeral of Ian Douglas Epstein — a Jewish flight attendant who perished on American Airlines Flight 5342 — will take place at Chabad of Charlotte, North Carolina
Ice and fire combine to illuminate the night, courtesy of Chabad of Steamboat Springs.
The “World’s Widest Menorah” will be kindled at Chabad of Clearwater, Florida
A unique menorah stands at Wasilla Lake in Alaska’s Mat-Su Valley, placed by Rabbi Mendy and Chaya Greenberg of the Mat-Su Jewish Center Chabad
The Executive Director of Machne Israel, Rabbi Shmaya Krinsky, paid a Shiva visit to the family of Rabbi Tzvi Kogan, הי״ד, Shliach of the Rebbe in the UAE, who was brutally murdered
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