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Yeshiva College Primary School Bondi Performs Brilliantly in School Rankings

Sydney, Australia

( The newly established Yeshiva College Primary School (Cheder Chabad Lubavitch) in Bondi, first in Australia to have Torah studies approved equivalent to secular studies with regard to Government requirements, ranked within the top 3 Jewish Primary Schools in Sydney and within the top 12% of all Primary Schools in the State of New South Wales. The rankings were released as part of a national education report published on 29 January 2010. The Australian Government released rankings of Primary Schools based on the average of their results for reading, writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and numeracy.

This is an exceptional result for Yeshiva, a school which has won plaudits from the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and Governor General, Quentin Bryce. Both visited the school and Yeshiva Centre where they received Menorahs.

Yeshiva ranked ahead of the largest Jewish School in Sydney, Moriah College and the Modern Orthodox, Kesser Torah. It also came ahead of the select Reddam College which has a large Jewish student population.

Principal Rebbetzin Pnina Feldman said, “This outstanding result is an expected yet amazing endorsement of our School’s Torah education program.”

“It is particularly pleasing to receive such wonderful news so early in our School’s history.”

“Credit is due to the excellent teaching staff and parents and students who have placed their confidence in a Torah education. Not only has the secular education not been compromised but has indeed excelled.”


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