Wednesday, / March 12, 2025
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Exploring the Rebbe’s Theology


The thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch centers, in some sixty countries around the globe, demonstrate the phenomenal successes of the Lubavitch movement under the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory.

In all the Rebbe’s talks, as well as in his innovative, worldwide ubiquitous mitzvah campaigns, one discerns a unifying system which binds the physical to the spiritual, and empowers every individual to actualize their potential to impact their immediate surroundings, their community, and ultimately, the world.

HEAVEN ON EARTH first outlines, then details a theological system which the author labels “Dirah Betachtonim,” arguing that this system is the driving force behind the Rebbe’s entire array of social, academic, and religious programs.

The author sets out to demonstrate that the physical, mundane world, specifically because it is physical and mundane, is intimately related to G-d’s essence, and hence, is the true arena for religious endeavor.

The research and the scholarship required to present ideas as confidently as the author has is not to be underestimated.

What has heretofore been available in only scattered fragments, has emerged in this work as a relatively comprehensive system. Book is sold on


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