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Kosher Culture: Jewish, Muslim Students Cook in Sydney

By , Sydney, Australia.



(lubavitch.com) 60 Jewish and Muslim school children cooked side by side Wednesday in Bondi’s Our Big Kitchen, a Chabad run community kitchen in Sydney, Australia.

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Education Secretariat coordinated the event and brought the schools together. They approached Rabbi Dovid Slavin, director of Our Big Kitchen with the idea to host the Year 5 and 6 students from the Jewish Mount Sinai College and the Muslim Arkana College – 30 from each –for a day of cooking and discussion about food and charity.

“We obviously agreed to the idea to host the two schools at Our Big Kitchen. It was a way for Jews and Muslims to come together and cook each other’s food and realize that we can live together in peace,” Rabbi Slavin told lubavitch.com.

As with all operations in Our Big Kitchen, rabbinic supervision was on hand throughout the day, ensuring that all food was prepared according to the Halachic requirements. OBK also has halal certification.

Our Big Kitchen is an innovative venue in Sydney’s Chabad Yeshiva Centre designed to draw diverse people together in cooking for worthy causes. Meals are prepared for the homeless and the homebound; disabled individuals enjoy therapy through cooking; kids in the kitchen get to experiment with their own culinary flair; and families interested in going Kosher in its laws and customs can learn the intricacies of keeping a kosher kitchen.

Speaking to the Australian J-Wire, Arkana College Principal Osman Karolia said: “What our schools  have done, with the help of the Board of Deputies, Al Ghazzali, Our Big Kitchen  and Together for Humanity, is almost unheard of, anywhere. Plenty of schools meet and chat, but the nature of this relationship is inspiring.”


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