Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational division of Chabad-Lubavitch, has appointed Chabad representatives to Cambodia, a first for this South East Asian country.
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In this week's Flashback! presents a news release dated August 1973 announcing the purchase of a new building by Chabad-Lubavitch of Wisconsin that will serve as Chabad's Headquarters for the state.
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On that fateful day, thousands of bloodthirsty Arabs carrying knives, hatchets and pitchforks rampaged through the streets of Hebron hunting Jews for slaughter.
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It is as unlikely a place as any, but for Laurie Zimmet and Moshe Lans, Iraq will always remind them of how much they have in common and what brought them together.
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( Rabbi Mendy Goldshmid brought hot kosher food and warm compassion to the 24 Jewish survivors of a Bangkok Airways flight that crashed Tuesday in Koh Samui. The plane, which crash-landed in a driving rain and slammed into an empty building, was carrying 72 people. The pilot was killed and seven passengers were injured. The Israelis were sitting in the rear of the plane which incurred little damage.
At a hotel several hours later, Goldshmid led a moving prayer service, where the survivors thanked G-d for their miraculous recovery. “When they saw the rabbi bring kosher food and comfort, they started to calm down a little,” says Sara Hinda Goldshmid of her husband’s ministrations.
The couple has been living on this island, dotted with coconut trees and expansive beaches, for eight months. Koh Samui is off the southeast coast of Thailand; the Chabad center here is Thailand’s sixth. Approximately 100,000 Jewish tourists (75 percent of whom are Israeli) visit annually. A small community of 40 individuals lives on the island permanently.
Chabad offers a kosher restaurant, a computer café, classes and a regular prayer service, as well holiday programming. Many Israelis dine at their Shabbat table each week and each holiday is celebrated with locals and tourists.
On Thursday, the community will gather to open the first women’s mikvah on Koh Samui. The party will also include a large wedding ceremony for two tourists visiting from Bangkok. Rabbi Yosef Kantor, who directs Chabad of Thailand, helped build the mikvah and will be present to inaugurate it. Goldshmid is eager to introduce visiting and local women to the beauty of the mikvah; interest, she says, is already high.
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Broadway
Yishaya and Shira met each other as students during a Shabbat dinner at the Chabad House at New York University in 2004.
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When an Israeli traveler, Ami-Chai Shtainmitz, was discovered missing in India, Chabad rabbinical students Levi Pekar and Yehuda Kirsh took an active role in organizing search parties. This is part three of Levi's Manali diary, exclusive to
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A new Chabad center in an unlikely Toronto neighborhood is getting noticed for its unique Hebrew arts school. Chabad of York Mills quietly opened before the 2007 Jewish high holidays in the northern suburb home to more than 7,300 Jews of various denominations.
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In this week's Flashback! we've uncovered an interesting press release by our news service from 1965, in which the Lubavitcher Rebbe endorsed President Johnson's proposal that the federal aid education bill also include various provisions for the secular departments of parochial schools.
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It was a record breaking pre-fast meal Wednesday evening, as 75 backpackers took their final meal before the Tisha b'Av fast at the Chabad center in Cusco, Peru.
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Nine weeks ago, Josh Weinstein packed up his blue Corolla for the 284-mile drive from Norfolk, Virginia to Morristown, New Jersey. The semester at Virginia Wesleyan College had just ended, and Weinstein, an English professor at the school, was gearing up for some study of his own: Yeshiva-style.
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It has been a week since 24 year-old Ami-Chai Shtainmitz, an Israeli backpacker touring India, was last seen. Originally from Maaleh Levonah, the army veteran left Israel five months ago to tour India.
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Dusty chalk and dry-erase boards are so Twentieth-century. The Hebrew Academy of Huntington Beach, California, known for its progressive educational methods is moving ahead once again.
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What’s a successful entrepreneur doing sponsoring the publication of an esoteric, Chasidic discourse? Or repairing the gravesite of its author in some remote Ukrainian townlet? Mouli Cohen, 51, who made his fortune as an investor in biotechnology and hi-tech enterprises, believes in “giving back.” And he wants to give back to Chabad, he says, because of what Chabad gives to the world.
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An Israeli search team is expected to arrive in India on Monday, to search for a 24-year-old Israeli backpacker missing in the Parvati Valley area. Last Tuesday , 24 year-old Ami-Chai Shtainmitz and a friend set out on a one-day trek from the village of Khirganga. The two split up at some point, but when Shtainmitz did not return, his friend notified Israeli authorities. In the meantime, Chabad rabbinical students in Manali are leading local search teams.
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Sunday, July 26, marks the anniversary of the passing, of Rabbi Isaac Luria on the fifth of the Hebrew month of Av.
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Speaking at the Lubavitcher center in New York this week commemorating
his father's 20th Yartzeit, the Rebbe told of the difficult plight of
many teachers of Jewish studies in Yeshivos and other Jewish schools.
They are often underpaid, said the Rebbe, and in most cases receive
smaller salaries than teachers of secular studies. Often they are paid
with a postdated check valid several weeks, and sometimes months, hence.
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Harry Samet was wheeling his cart through Costco last August when he saw a young rabbi in a black jacket loading up on folding tables and chairs. Rumor had it that a Chabad couple had moved to town, a Yosef Plotkin and his wife, and this was Samet’s first introduction to the bearded rabbi.
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A visitor to a middle school classroom in Los Angeles on a sunny
morning some months ago was greeted with what appeared to be utter
chaos. The desks were not lined up, everyone seemed to be talking at
once, and almost no one was paying any attention to the young
twenty-something teacher, who was unfazed by the scene in front of her.
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A Jewish day school near the University of Washington has left the
Chabad center it has called home for the last 35 years, for a bigger
and greener learning environment. “We’re going to move from having skinned knees to having grass stains,”
said Rabbi Yossi Charytan, head of the Menachem Mendel Seattle Cheder
Day School.
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At the Jewish Community Center here, a new club has been established. Its goal: to bring together fans the wide variety of games that challenge the mind. The program is being led by the president of the Donetsk Intelligent Games Club, Dmitry Senatorov.
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Mikhail Mirilashvili of St. Petersburg sponsored the switch-over from
non-kosher to strictly kosher, of the city’s popular 7:40 restaurant.
According to the restaurant’s proprietor, Abram Israelashvili, “Our
goal is not to earn as much money as possible, but to make kosher food
available to all Jews of St. Petersburg.
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