Wednesday, / March 26, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Inclusion”
Leading with Autism
Gedaliah Shaffer wasn’t thrilled when his mother enrolled him in Shrub Oak International School. His mother, Liba Shaffer, was herself ambivalent about the decision. But…
Virtual Event to Promote Discussion as Continued Step Towards Inclusion
All too often, individuals with disabilities or those for whom mental wellness is a struggle feel isolated and imagine that no one in the world…
Ep. 17: LifeTown, A Village For The Special Needs Community
The 17th episode in its series of podcasts about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives
What’s One Thing You Wish They Knew?
ShabbaTTogether Fosters Inclusion and Empowerment Among People with Disabilities and Mental Health Conditions in Jewish Communities Across the Globe with New Program
Pop-Up Deli Serves up Sourdough Goodness
Customers eat for a cause at this deli, supporting the Friendship Circle adults who help run the pop-up
Kidpreneurs Experience the Gift of Giving
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn just concluded a week-long fundraising campaign which was conducted entirely by children.
July Game Changers: Bassie Shemtov
Friendship Circle Director Honored by Detroit Sports Teams
Opening Chabad House Doors a Little Wider
An accessible Sukkah Mobile in Arkansas, sign language interpreters at Chabad events in Alabama, and in Virginia, a lowered bimah that allows people in wheelchairs…
Mental Health Support and Memorial in Mineola
Rabbi Anchelle Perl has officiated at what he called “an inordinate amount” of funerals since the coronavirus pandemic began.
20,000 Party For Shabbat
First-ever global pre-Shabbat party brings together families of special needs individuals and celebrities.
Friendship Circle: Embracing the Individual
The sound of blaring sirens heralded a flashing motorcade of fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars driving down her block. To Read The Full Magazine…
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