Thursday, 27 Adar 5785 / March 27, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Editorial”
Do We Need Anti-Semitism To Keep Us Jewish?
Swados asked the Rebbe whether it was his opinion, then, “that the tragedy was not a unique visitation upon the Jewish people, and that it…
Pursuing The Path Of Peace
Throughout the years I served in the Rebbe’s office, I had the privilege of interacting with this remarkable woman on an almost daily basis.
A Chanukah Message From Rabbi Krinsky
Dear readers,  I’m waiting for Chanukah. In fact, I can’t wait to give thanks “for the miracles of those days in our time . . .” It’s…
Editorial: The People Of Israel Live
It was a sunny, balmy day when I visited the site of the Nova Festival, and the Nahal Oz army base several months ago. As…
Reflections on 5784
We didn’t see it coming. The dark ages were well behind us. We could laugh incredulously at the old tropes and ugly stereotypes shamelessly used…
Dear G-d!
“The King is in the field.”  A Chabad Chasidic tradition, from its founder Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, teaches us that in the days leading…
Any Given Sunday
Sunday Dollars became an institution in itself. In order to maintain an ample supply of newly minted dollar bills, I arranged with the Federal Reserve…
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, 74, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch
The international Chabad-Lubavitch and Jewish communities mourn the passing of Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Kotlarsky, Tuesday, 27 Iyar 5784. Rabbi Kotlarsky passed just shy of his…
On Fear And Faith
The Jewish holidays, we are taught, are not meant merely to recall historic events. If their purpose were only commemorative, it would be enough to…
Sons And Daughters At The Seder Table
It was unseasonably cold on the first night of Passover back in 1979. Snow had fallen the day before and melted into slush puddles that…
Transition in Lubavitch: January 28, 1950
Born June 21, 1880 in the town of Lubavitch, Yosef Yitzchak was inducted by his father, the Fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneersohn, into…
Memories of Sukkot 1991
Sukkot 1991 was different. The crowds were enormous. But this time, the Rebbe remained standing in the sukkah for the next six and a half…
All Together, Now
As we approach the conclusion of this Hakhel year, we have reason to be hopeful about the Jewish future.
Toward A Resilient Jewry
What are those truths for which we are hated? And how do we build resilience against this onslaught?
A Bed, a Table, a Chair and a Lamp
The Rebbe did not hold press conferences nor grant press interviews. So reporters would usually be directed to my office where I did my best…
Purim: Seeking Unity Toward Positive Reversals
When, back in the middle ages, a Jewish convert to Christianity brought his grievances against the Jews to Pope Gregory IX, his complaints led to…
Prayers for a New Year
What a year it’s been. Rising prices, more crime, economic uncertainty, political instability, and social discord call to mind the words of the Machzor from…
In Transition
When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, the people gathered against Aaron and said to him, “Come,…
It’s Never Too Late
Across every segment of Jewish life, in America and elsewhere, we are seeing a demand for genuine, substantive, Torah study opportunities
Better Than Birthday Cake
Chabad communities around the world are launching a truly ambitious 1,210 new institutions.
In Pursuit of Practicable Freedom
Parents, however, who choose to educate their children in private schools are taxed all the same, while additionally having to pay full tuition for their…
The Ways We Give
Donors no longer just want to write a check. They want to be involved, they want a direct path to targeted giving
The Year Of Shabbos
When the condominium towers in Surfside collapsed because of structural fatigue, the question was deafening: Were we thinking?
Beginning With Shabbos
Start the children’s school day right, and the rest will follow.
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