Thursday, 27 Adar 5785 / March 27, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Books”
Today in Jewish History: The Victory in Chabad Library Trial
On the 5th of Tevet (Hei Teves) in 1987, the extensive library of the sixth Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson, was declared as belonging to…
Soul, Body, Essence
Engaging the Essence: The Torah Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Yosef Bronstein Maggid Press
Book Notes
Letters for Life Guidance for Emotional Wellness From the Lubavitcher Rebbe Levi Y. Shmotkin Ezra Press As a teenager, Levi Shmotkin lost his oomph for…
The Heirs of Asher Lev
Young religious artists forge new paths in an unknown land
Once Again, from the Beginning
How does an ancient book find its way to our soul in a world overloaded with information? Hypertexted and AI-driven, the Internet provides an avalanche…
Letters for Life: Book Explores the Rebbe’s Insights on Emotional Health
The Story of Fighter Pilot Lt. Col Menachem Eini and the Rebbe
The Haggadah Collection At The Library Of Agudas Chassidei Chabad
The prestigious Haggadah collection of Chabad’s Central Library began in December 1924, when the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, acquired the collection of…
Faith and Art in Communist Russia
Anatoly Kaplan was the rare Jewish artist who managed to explore Jewish themes under the eyes of Soviet censors
Review: My Quarrel With Hersh Rasseyner by Chaim Grade
The year is 1948. Two Holocaust survivors run into each other on a Paris subway. Though each had assumed the other was killed in the…
In Pursuit Of Meaning
We live in an age that is more concerned with self-help, self-development, self-empowerment, self-actualization, and self-care than any other age in history, but we are…
Revisiting R. Schneur Zalman: The Alter Rebbe
As I read through three biographies of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad movement, known as the Alter Rebbe. I was…
A Defense Of Torah Judaism
As a Chabad representative at a major university, I observe that students’ big questions today center on whether the religion delivers on its ethical promise…
Children’s Book Turns Personal Tragedy Into Communal Healing
A new book about Moussia Zaltzman’s life and legacy models the process of discussing painful realities with children
The Tzfat Kabbalists Collection
The rare manuscripts department at Chabad’s Central Library and Archive Center contains many original manuscripts penned by the great Kabbalists. Rabbi Moshe Cordevero (1482-1570), renowned…
Book Notes
The story of the dramatic rescue and emigration of thousands of Iranian Jewish students to America
Book Notes
Scott Frank is a business executive. Yossi Lerman is a Chabad rabbi. Both have been on a quest to find more joy in life.
Hippy In the Mikvah
“The Rebbe encouraged me to continue with the doctorate. I blurted out, ‘But what about the heresy?’ The Rebbe answered: ‘You should write all the…
Book Review: Teaching The Teachers
I spoke to an Israeli kindergarten teacher this summer who explained to me how the philosophy of early childhood education has changed. “Today,” she said,…
Book Review: My Story
My Story: Forty-one individuals share their personal encounters with the Rebbe, Published by Jewish Educational Media
Keeping That Daily Appointment with G-d
What these books will do is give you the roadmap to find your own “Mezherich” so that you too can learn how to daven.
Chabad of Berlin Publishes German Prayerbook, Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day
A new German-language siddur makes the Jewish prayer book accessible to modern German speakers.
Many years ago an apikoros (heretic) moved into a Jewish town, and word of his presence soon spread. The local Rabbi had never met an…
Through A Lens Daily
Daily Wisdom offers its readers an “ark” of refuge, a way to re-focus themselves, and prepare themselves to enter the world each day.
Book Review: Transitions In Language And Leadership
Zornberg introduces her discussion of Bamidbar, the fourth of the Five Books of the Torah, by outlining the dramatic terrain of the “midbar”—a great and…
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