Friday, / February 21, 2025
Articles Filed Under “High Holidays”
Have We Become Too Sophisticated For Yom Kippur?
Something has changed. In our minds, Yom Kippur has become complicated. The service doesn’t speak to us—the idea of sin no longer resonates. Praying all…
Rosh Hashanah, Not Only a Jewish Celebration
This week, Jewish people the world over will be marking Rosh Hashanah, a holiday commemorating the beginning of creation.
Stringing and Piercing: A Reflection on the High Holiday Prayers
Where words fail us, the shofar comes forward. It pierces our souls and the very heavens with the reverberations of its sound.
Return: Reclaim, Relate, Reconnect
Research is showing that people spend less time socializing than they did twenty years ago
Counted & Blessed
As soon as we got into the car, the Rebbe expressed concern. Might the photographer have been offended by his blessing? After all, the Rebbe…
Sweet and Sweeter
The Meaning Behind High Holiday Traditions
In Canada’s Prairies, a Sweet New Year is Produced Locally at Chabad
Saskatchewan Jewish families join Chabad rabbi to extract fresh, local honey at Chabad's apiary
All Together, Now
As we approach the conclusion of this Hakhel year, we have reason to be hopeful about the Jewish future.
Machzor Marginalia
Between the lines, at the High Holiday services
Holidays after the Hurricane: Chabad of Cape Coral Observes Yom Kippur
Despite flooded streets, power outages, and evacuations, Cape Coral’s Jewish community came together for Yom Kippur services at Rabbi Yossi Labkowski’s Chabad center
Four Communal Leaders Share Personal Regrets and Resolutions
The High Holidays are a time dedicated to repentance and reflection. We’ve asked four Chabad leaders to share with us some of the regrets they…
Chabad of Puerto Rico Preps for New Year While Delivering Post-Hurricane Aid
In the wake of the severe damage to Puerto Rico’s infrastructure this week, caused by Hurricane Fiona, Rabbi Mendel Zarchi has worked with U.S. companies…
Prayers for a New Year
What a year it’s been. Rising prices, more crime, economic uncertainty, political instability, and social discord call to mind the words of the Machzor from…
Yom Kippur With The Rebbe
The highest moment, for me, came at the end of Yom Kippur, when—after fasting for twenty-five hours—we affirmed loudly in unison, with all our energy,…
Who’s afraid of the Days of Awe?
When my daughter was about five, she wrote a story called “You Should Be Punished For This and I Am Very Mad.” This pretty much…
Home Alone on the Holidays
For many of us, the High Holidays will look quite different this year. This year, we are called upon to lead those services ourselves, to…
Record Numbers to Hear Shofar in the Parks
Shofar in the Park brings the essence of Rosh Hashanah to the public in a Covid safe, picturesque environment.
“G-d” Is Not a Jewish Word
A long pause—I needed to think. Finally, I said: “No, I don’t believe in ‘G-d.’” Another pause. “Not with the meaning that word has in…
To Pray Alone: Days of Awe in the Age of Covid-19
Marc Zell was used to traveling, just not like this. The American-Israeli is an international lawyer, and it was his work in political consulting that…
The Sound Of A Thin Silence
In the hushed stillness between the prayers and the poems, in the breath between the soulful tunes, we hear. Muted sobs, a whispered plea, the…
Creative Beginnings: Rosh Hashana 2020
What is Chabad around the world doing for Rosh Hashanah?
Ancient Texts That Speak To Me: A CRY IS HEARD IN RAMAH
In the emotionally charged story of Mother Rachel weeping for her children, which we read in the haftorah on the second day of Rosh Hashanah,…
Come, Pray, Connect: Minyan, Millenials and Why Services Matter
Over the past two decades, synagogue membership has declined across the United States, with less than one-third of American Jews choosing to affiliate with a…
Helping Hearing-Impaired Hear the Sound of the Shofar
When the time to sound the shofar arrived, one man approached me and, through the interpreter, asked if he was permitted to touch the shofar.…
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