Thursday, / January 30, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Campus”
Through Study and Stipend, Chabad Program in CIS Increases Jewish Marriages
( Maria Karetina, 23, lives in Vladivostok, Russia. Since completing university last year, she has been working as a French-English translator for a large firm.…
At Brandeis University, Students To Host Gala In Support of Chabad
( The dynamic at Chabad on campus is typically a simple one: Campus Shluchim give and give, and then give some more. A warm home where…
Chabad at UCSB Receives Funding from Students Finance Board
According to the Daily Nexus at the University of California, Santa Barbara, the Associated Students Finance Board allocated a total of $41,563.01 to six groups…
Mayanot Yeshiva Opens Women’s Division in Jerusalem
( The graduating senior has had her last Chabad on campus Shabbat dinner; the birthrightisrael experience is over. But the idea is to keep that…
Almost There: Librescu Jewish Student Center Seeks Final $100,000.00
( Chabad-Lubavitch of the Virginias is fast approaching the finish line in its sprint to secure a property on the Virginia Tech campus. Since announcing the…
Chabad at University at Madison, Wisconsin, To Open New Building on Campus
Recently, a young UW student approached Chabad's Rabbi Mendel Matusof with a request for private study sessions. The student’s father had studied a book in…
Thanksgiving Dinner Panic? Chabad Women Cook for 300 Every Week
This week, Nechamie Silberberg, Chabad-Lubavitch representative at the University of Western Ontario will be serving somewhere between 175 to 250 ravenous college students. Down south…
A Mezuza in Place of a Swastika, Says Chabad Rabbi At Columbia University
When the door of Elizabeth Midlarsky, a Jewish professor in Columbia University was recently defaced with a swastika, Yonah Blum, the Chabad representative at Columbia…
Gabe’s Journal: A Student Reports On Chabad-on-Campus’s Mega Shabbos in Brooklyn
For Jewish college students, making the decision to show up to a Friday night service and meal held at their local Chabad on Campus is…
Shabbaton Happy, College Students Deepen Jewish Identity With Chabad
Quadrupling its usual Shabbat dinner attendance, Chabad of USC had no choice but to put up a vast outdoor tent to accommodate all the students that…
Chabad Opens Student Center At Vanderbilt University
Of the top 20 American universities still without a Chabad-Lubavitch Campus center, only two remained. One was the private Catholic university Notre Dame. The other,…
On Campus with Chabad at UW: No Matzah Ball Soup Here
Chabad on Campus at University of Washington has a new home, room for seventy guests on Shabbat dinner, a library and a joint project with…
On Campus: After Katrina, Chabad Builds New Student Center At Tulane
Two years after Hurricane Katrina put Chabad of Tulane’s plans for expansion on hold indefinitely, a new 6,000 square foot Rohr Chabad Student Center, with…
At Johns Hopkins Chabad: Students and Non-Students Come For Yom Kippur
In the snazzy Inn at the Colonnade, across the street from Johns Hopkins University, half the assembled crowd clattering across the gleaming marble lobby to…
Kids on Campus: The Surprising Power of Chabad Babies
At Hofstra University’s Student Union, Mendel Lieberman is a familiar face. Sorority sisters expect him to be at the table next to theirs. Students stop…
At Albert Einstein, Med Students Explore Spirituality With Chabad
Today, more than two-thirds of medical schools in the U.S. offer courses on religion, spirituality and medicine. Tomorrow’s doctors are taught to value the prayer…
Spiritual Children of Chabad Now Reach Out To Others
By now, Bracha Sara Leeds’s degree from UC Berkeley would have paved her way to medical school. But she’s chosen a different road: life as…
On Campus: Chabad Couple Named To New Virginia Tech Librescu Chabad House
In an exclusive interview with, Rabbi Yossel Kranz, executive director of Chabad of the Virginias, named the young couple who formally accepted the offer…
Chabad Campus Rabbi Takes Award For Book on Comics
“For most of my life I’ve lived a Clark Kent existence . . . my desire to assimilate required no less.” So begins Up Up…
At Year-End: Despite Statistics, Chabad on Campus Deepens Jewish Commitment
When Ethan Samuels clutches a freshly printed diploma in his hands in a few weeks, he will be among the tens of thousands of college…
“Chabad At Stanford . . . Knowledge, Courage and Commitment”
In retrospect it seems highly symbolic – even poetic – to me that I first met Rabbi Dov Greenberg when he was busy assembling a…
Guest Editorial: Random Kindness in the Face of Random Terror
Up until the morning of April 16, things were pretty much happening as they should on most American campuses at this time of year. Students and…
Chabad of Brandeis: Success Invites New Challenges
For 85 Brandeis University students, Sunday night marked the end of an experimental semester of seminar style Jewish classes.   A paradigm shift for Chabad of…
A Brighter Shabbat for Students on Campus (video clip)
This past Friday night, Jewish women on college campuses across America participated in an initiative to dispel some of the darkness experienced by events of…
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