Thursday, / January 30, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Campus”
Jewish Students Bond With the Torah
Minutes to midnight on University of Pennsylvania’s fraternity row, as the ‘Sox were on their way to trouncing the Astros in overtime, the guys at…
Father’s Day With Chabad At USC
Like many dads, Rabbi Dov Wagner of Chabad at USC positioned himself at the grill on Father’s Day, but he and his wife Runya were…
Banner Year for Chabad on Campus
As the class of 2005 toss their mortarboards skyward, the graduates mark their own milestone and the conclusion of a banner year for Chabad’s presence…
Chabad at the College of New Jersey in Ewing
In a small meeting room at Paul Loser Hall on the campus of the College of New Jersey in Ewing, an ancient Jewish ceremony was…
Purim at University of Pennsylvania
Purim at UPENN included a distribution of over 1000 mishloach manot kits packed by the Sigma Delta Tau and Chi Omega Sororities. The packages were…
1300 Students Celebrate Purim With Chabad at Columbia U
“Judaism’s all about breaking barriers, transcending limits, and that’s really the idea here behind my music,” said Matisyahu, renowned Hassidic-reggae singer, to a crowd of…
Shabbaton With Chabad: Jewish Students Nationwide Pledge Greater Involvement
For a Jewish student on an American college campus today, the possibilities run the extremes from total alienation to a heightened Jewish awareness. It all…
Discovering Judaism At The University of Oregon
Known for vegetarians, animal rights activists, and liberal minded thinking, this is the last place you expect to find a Chabad couple. Yet, despite living…
Restored Torahs Give New Life
It’s a match made in heaven. The “bridegrooms” are old Torah scrolls from defunct synagogues; scrolls that stand unused and forlorn in their lonely arks…
New Chabad House at Florida International University
Chanukah came early this year for the Jewish students and faculty at Florida International University – one of America’s most dynamic institutions of higher learning…
Alaskans Warm to Chabad Rabbi On Religious Beliefs
The University of Alaska Anchorage has seen its share of religious tension in the past year, but the campus bookstore was a haven for tolerance…
Former Terrorist Addresses Community
A decade ago, Mr. Walid Shoebat would have considered those listening to him “the devil.” After all, he was educated to hate “even harm” those…
Hundreds of Jewish Students To Celebrate Shabbat at USC
What student apathy? Although college students did not pack the voting booths in the record numbers expected by political pundits, there is no lack of…
Jewish Students at Duke University to Pre-empt Negative Publicity
In advance of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Palestine Solidarity Movement, the remains of a civilian passenger bus bombed by terrorists in Israel this…
Chabad-Lubavitch National Campus Conference
According to Rabbi Nechemia Vogel, the life of a Chabad Rabbi and campus emissary can best be described as “as close as it gets to…
Passover With Chabad On Campus
The campus at Harvard was quieter than usual on Passover eve. With spring break barely over, many of its Jewish students would be extending their…
Shabbat 1,000
The ads and flyers posted all over campus read, “Do Something Special, Celebrate Shabbat With 1,000 of Your Closest Friends.” For hundreds of Binghamton University’s…
500 Jewish Students Expected At Southeastern Campus Conference
The cell phones are racking up lots of overtime minutes in the offices and homes of the Chabad rabbis who work on college campuses in…
Midnight Masquerade With Chabad On Campus
At a pre-Purim Shabbat dinner last Friday night at Chabad of Columbia University, students took turns introducing themselves—as is the routine here. But this time,…
Chabad on Campus Hosts Law Shabbat
Missouri Supreme Court Judge Richard B. Teitelman was the featured guest speaker at a recent Shabbat dinner hosted by Chabad on Campus, for Jewish students…
OSU Chabad Launches Student Ambassadors To Israel
Jewish tradition says that G-d created humankind with a singular individual to teach us that one person can profoundly affect the entire world. The Chabad…
Jazz in the Sukkah at Columbia
Students and alumni crowded into Columbia’s Chabad Sukkah last Thursday for an evening of entertainment and celebration with a live jazz band. Kol HaGeulah, a…
Columbia Students Have A Blast
Students and faculty at Columbia carved their own Shofar last week. The Tzivos Hashem shofar factory was sponsored by Chai Society, the Chabad club at…
New Chabad Reps Arrive At Johns Hopkins
New Chabad representatives Rabbi Velvel and Chanie Gopin arrived to central Baltimore earlier this month, to service Jewish students and faculty members at Johns Hopkins…
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