Sunday, / March 30, 2025
Articles Filed Under “Editorial”
No More Apologies: My Thoughts on Vayikrah
I decided a long time ago that my job can be stressful enough as is and that if G-d wanted me as his personal publicist…
The Gravity of Intermarriage
Living in a society that celebrates religious diversity, we no longer need to apologize for the tradition and practices that set us apart as Jews.…
About A Good Jewish Cause
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What the Pew Study Didn’t Ask About Jewish Identity
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Play Now, Pay Later: Lessons From The Madoff Tragedy
With the news of Mark Madoff’s suicide, this family’s ruinous fall has grown to make it worthy of Shakespearean tragedy. Like Macbeth, this is the…
Staying Attuned on the Day of Atonement
Reb Schneur Zalman, the founder of Chabad Chasidism, himself a mystic, a towering mind, and a tzaddik, stunned his congregation one Yom Kippur morning, when…
Editorial: On The Biography of A Tzaddik
Biographies on the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who passed away on the third day of Tammuz in 1994, are making appearances in mainstream…
Chabad on Campus Draws 800 College Students To Retreat in Brooklyn
They are trading Harvard Square and College Hill for Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue.
In Conversation: Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky
Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky was secretary to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, for a period of 40 years. As a young boy of 13,…
The Way Things Were: Reflections On The Rebbe’s Birth Date
( Where were you the last time the Jewish people assembled to bless the sun? Maybe you didn’t even know about it then. The year…
Birkat HaChamah, The Blessing of the Sun, 2009
Here’s a short quiz. Read the following quote and then answer the simple question below. “This country, with God’s help, can be self-sufficient in energy.…
In Conversation: Rabbi Nochem Kaplan
You’ve been elected to serve as President of the NCPSA. How significant is that? Well, notwithstanding the fact that most people have never heard of…
Purim Thoughts: The Donkey, The Foal and The Pig
The story of Purim is a story of masking and unmasking, of turning reality on its head, in which nothing is what it seems at…
On Jewish Women, Education, Philanthropy
( Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, took great personal interest in the well being of the Shluchim and Shluchos, and truly regarded…
What’s your response to Loving Leah and its promotion on the The View?As an actress and a Jewish woman, I can tell you that if…
Editorial: Where Wills Collide, Israel Survives
I have a fantasy that I can’t resist, and it returns to me with enhanced details whenever I see Israel get squeezed by the darlings…
Editorial: And the living shall take heart . . .
( The terrorist siege of the Chabad House and the brutal murders of our Shluchim in Mumbai have made Chabad-Lubavitch the object of an extraordinary…
Portland Jewish Community Sets Sweet Precedent
( Months after a legal battle threatening Portland’s Chabad rabbi’s right to hold prayer services in his home, Rabbi Moshe Wilansky came out a winner…
Of Love and More on 3 Tammuz
So much has been written, and more said, about the Lubavitcher Rebbe whose 14th yahrzeit is marked on the third of Tammuz, this year July…
Celebrating A Vision: A Chabad Representative Reflects on the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Legacy
He stood on the sidewalk in front of 770 Eastern Parkway, long hair down to his shoulders, a yarmulkah precariously perched on his head. Visibly…
Editorial: Yet Again Jerusalem Mourns
( Yet again, Jerusalem is a city in mourning. And world leaders condemn. How quickly they forget. We’ve been here before. Yesterday’s murder of innocent…
Chabad Promotes Chanukah With Help of American Gothic Couple
After solemnly holding tight onto a pitchfork for over seven decades, the dour-faced Depression era couple is almost breaking into a “Happy Chanukah!” smile.Indeed, the…
Editorial: In the Courtyard of the Rebbe
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz likes to tell about the time he had seven projects on his table, and felt he needed to drop some of them.…
Chabad On The Bar/Bat Mitzvah: It’s Your Jewish Birthright
In a recent editorial, Reform leader Rabbi Eric Yoffie criticizes the willingness of Chabad to allow any child a bar mitzvah. He describes the norm…
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